Note 19614

Date/Time:2021-09-16 @ 1153
Time Entered:2021-09-16 11:54:16
Time Updated:2021-09-16 14:56:37
Time Uploaded:2021-09-16 14:56:39
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Ledge is not as loud as its been. It is a mix of heavy water/steam cycling with brief quiet periods between. There is more water in Ledge's cycles than I've seen this summer or in previous FEW summers! Thicker column of water mixed with steam. Jetsam is 1' below rim with the side vent toward the Palm pool splashing to ~1'. And a small new feature below Jetsam in Ledge's runoff channel erupting to 6". Valve is weak steam and the Palm pool is VERY high.

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