Eruption 1051077

Geyser:Giant Hot Period
Standardized Duration:5m 47s
Time Entered:2018-08-20 11:10:45
Time Updated:2018-08-20 16:53:13
Time Uploaded:2019-05-13 21:43:45
Observer:Tara & Cynthia
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Comments:1030 Bijou pause, 1031:27 SW Vents spitting, 1034:09 water in Feather, 1034:16 SW Vents on, 1034:40 water in Cave, Mastiff to 1-2 inches below overflow. 1035:03 Feather on, 1036:03 Mastiff to overflow and Cave started to bubble. 1036:40 Rust on, 1037:00 Feather's Satellite on, 1038:15 Cave on to 2-3 feet and Turtle was in overflow. Mastiff boiled to 1-2 feet, then briefly wider and 3-4 feet high with heavy overflow that covered India. Then boiling subsided and Mastiff dropped. 1040:25 Bijou on, 1040:47 B-C Vent on, 1040:50 Feather off. 1041:10 Posthole began to blip, followed by Posthole Satellite, Slit, and Emerald bubbling. Feather splashed several times before restarting along with Feather's Satellite and Rust at 1042:24 after a break of 1m34s. Giant had some low surges but most were angled. Feather shut off again at 1047:13, restart duration 4m49s.

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