Eruption 1326767

Geyser:Fan and Mortar Event Cycle
Standardized Duration:48m
Time Entered:2021-08-05 19:13:19
Time Uploaded:2021-08-05 19:13:22
Entrant:Micah Kipple
Observer:Brian, Jim, Micah, Carol, Bill, HK, Suzanne, Carlton, etc.
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Comments:1704:23-Angle finally shuts off and we have simultaneous huffing in Main. 1705 - first splash in Main Vent, Splashing continued until 1717. 1714 RV on, at 1718 vertical (yes vertical!) sprays of water were seen from River. 1720 Gold on. 1723-1724 Gold's water levels plummeting and appearing to try to pause. 1724 Angle on. Water levels started OK but slowly diminished until gold shut off around 1743 with hardly a peep from Mortar. 1746 River Vent off. 1749 - Angle back on (surprise) after shutting down with Gold. 1752 light steam from the frying pan area of Mortar.

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