Eruption 698331

Geyser:Event Non-Geyser Related
Time Entered:2014-07-12 19:35:38
Time Updated:2014-07-12 19:39:26
Time Uploaded:2014-07-12 19:39:26
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Comments:We ran into a bear on the boardwalk between Lion and Sawmill. We think it was eating and not paying attention, we were having a loud conversation, and it didn't move until our flashlight found it in the dark. It jumped over the boardwalk in the opposite direction and then checked what we were doing. We backed away slowly, and it jumped back to where it had been sitting, satisfied that we were leaving. 
We went over to the store and up the bike path to the boardwalk at Castle. At 0535 we discovered bear tracks on the boardwalk between Economic and Grand, moving towards Grand. At 0555 we saw more bear tracks leading up the boardwalk from the bridge near Oblong towards Grand.

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