Eruption 751846

Duration:27 minutes
Standardized Duration:27m
Time Entered:2014-12-22 22:42:48
Time Updated:2017-02-21 18:41:48
Time Uploaded:2019-05-13 21:43:56
Observer:Russel Homen
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Comments:Entry in OFVC logbook lists this as Morning's Thief, but it was certainly a full eruption of Morning. The note in the logbook says it lasted from 1927 to 1954, was 70 to 80 feet tall with thumping noises, and Fountain was empty. This report was corroborated by Xanterra snowcoach guide Russel Homen, who gave an approximate eruption time of 1930 and an approximate duration of 25 minutes. It was dismissed by some gazers as a large eruption by Morning's Thief, but Homen's description, along with similar information from two visitors who were also present, sounds like a legitimate eruption of Morning. Electronic data from Fountain and visual observations of wash in the area made by Mike Keller on March 18 also substantiate the report. Homen also said that the eruption made loud popping and thumping sounds, and reached heights of about 80 feet (it was dark, so the top of the water was not visible). In my opinion this was a true eruption of Morning and should be included in the list of eruptions.

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