Date: | 2016-08-13 |
Time: | 1720 |
Geyser: | Mugwump |
Webcam: | No |
Initial: | No |
Major/Minor: | N/A |
Duration: | |
Time Entered: | 2016-08-13 23:23:56 |
Time Uploaded: | 2016-08-13 23:23:56 |
Entrant: | JSJ |
Observer: | James St. John |
Submitted to: | |
Comments: | First burst during the 1st half of 1720. Second burst from late 1720 to early 1721. | | Photo (1 of 3) of Mugwump Geyser's 5:20 to 5:21 PM eruption on 13 August 2016. |