Last Known Eruption
2y 45d 3h 30m ago

Interval Statistics

Interval Count23
Max3y 235d 20h 56m
Mean129d 2h 15m
Median22h 12m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
21869 09 Jun 2022 @ 1305 --- Forestbewithyou The twig is no longer present in topsoils crater
21809 07 Jun 2022 @ 1450 --- mhreed Has a piece of wood floating around in it; I assume someone threw it in.
17493 05 Jun 2021 @ 1753 --- WillBoekel below overflow by about 6in
13712 16 Sep 2019 @ 0830 16 Sep 2019 @ 0838 aferrara Thumping, boiling, sizzling, splashing rarely 6in-1ft.
13643 10 Sep 2019 @ 1525 --- CrisG Approx 8 inches below overflow. Sizzling, flaming, and pool rocking. 2 small splashes, but mostly just small bubbles breaking the surface.
12829 28 Jul 2019 @ 0706 --- rbwhitaker Down 8 inches from the rim. Small bubbles.
12486 14 Jul 2019 @ 1950 --- jazzknick 6 inches below rim, gently pulsing, light bubble / boil
12046 30 Jun 2019 @ 1403 30 Jun 2019 @ 1418 nails Water level 4 to 6 inches below overflow. Pool is pulsating and streams of bubbles rising. Some bubbles are flashing and the water occasionally rises about an inch. Slight sizzling sound after flashing stops and water drops.
11752 12 Jun 2019 @ 1122 --- JSJ Watched Topsoil Spring for about an hour. Low water level (~1 foot below border). The central vent is submerged, as is the proximal-most basin. Activity varies frequently from a ~still pool with moderately light bubbling to relatively rapid pool pulsing events, with more vigorous bubbling. Northeastern side vent & the two southwestern side vents often had bubbling, sometimes audibly.
11664 08 Jun 2019 @ 1714 --- CrisG About 10 inches below overflow. Clear water with near continuous bubbling. Flaming, increased bubbling, and thumps about every 1-2 minutes.
11411 29 May 2019 @ 0917 29 May 2019 @ 0940 jkgood About 8 inches below overflow, clear water. Sloshing and thumping almost continually with occasional brief pauses of <10 sec where pool calms and the tiny vent on the far side stops spitting. Pauses observed to occur anywhere from 40 sec to ~7 min apart. Sporadic boils to a few inches and during that one long duration saw a few small splashes <8 inches.
11259 17 May 2019 @ 1830 17 May 2019 @ 1835 ldgordon Occasional splashing to almost a foot during intense thumping periods
11255 17 May 2019 @ 1355 --- Mkeller About 10 inches below overflow, cloudy water, heavy palpitations and almost boils.
11241 14 May 2019 @ 1910 --- ldgordon About 6 inches below overflow, 1 minute cycles of pulsing and thumping, almost creating a splash occasionally
11218 12 May 2019 @ 1436 --- steve Topsoil spring is rocking with strong convection in the pool. It is about 6-8 inches below overflow. I did see one splash to about a foot at 1436. Sometimes you can hear and feel the ground thump. I saw a second splash at 1446. It has pauses in the activity about every three minutes
11290 11 May 2019 @ 1715 --- Siegmund ~15cm below overflow, pulsing, steam bubbles flashing in bottom of pool. Same at 2240.
11289 11 May 2019 @ 1603 --- Siegmund ~12cm below overflow, pulsating, murky.
8729 16 Jun 2018 @ 1345 --- CrisG Pool nearly overflowing, bubbling, and thumping.
8269 22 May 2018 @ 1919 --- Tara Pulsing, bubbling, and thumping.
8051 01 May 2018 @ 1048 --- Micah Kipple Thumping and flaming
8038 28 Apr 2018 @ 1735 --- Micah Kipple Thumping, rocking its pool, and boiling.
3071 15 Jun 2016 @ 1226 --- Janet Jones Thumping
3009 07 Jun 2016 @ 1443 07 Jun 2016 @ 1454 JSJ Topsoil Spring roiling and in slight overflow at 1443. Overflow done at 1444 & roiling subdued. Two thumps at 1452. Roiling with slight overflow resumed at 1451 - done at 1454. See attachment for video clips.
1813 28 Jun 2015 @ 1941 --- mhreed Water sitting a good two inches below the rims. This is the lowest I have seen it this season.
832 20 Jun 2013 @ 2056 --- Micah Kipple 2056 observed about 6-8\" below overflow. Lazy bubbles coming out of one vent from what I could see.
833 19 Jun 2013 @ 1022 --- Micah Kipple pool level slightly higher than observed yesterday starting to take on a yellow tint. Periodic bubbles from both vents. observed at 1022
830 15 Jun 2013 @ 1057 --- Micah Kipple 1057 observed about an inch below overflow periodic bubbling from two vents.
829 14 Jun 2013 @ 1800 14 Jun 2013 @ 2359 Micah Kipple Was about 2 inches below overflow and dropping (?) about 30 minutes before Grand tonight. Several audible thumps were heard. No bubbles or ripples on surface, and thumps sounded deep underground down in the plumbing system, instead of close to the surface like previously
710 09 Jan 2012 @ 0000 09 Jan 2012 @ 2359 BoekelUpload 4-5in below overflow
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