Last Known Eruption
6y 309d 7h 34m ago

Interval Statistics

Interval Count39
Max12y 84d 22h 5m
Mean1y 105d 3h 43m
Median22d 20h 50m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
22324 04 Jul 2022 @ 1500 --- cb pool is no longer overflowing. Orange bacterial mat changed to white*ish. water is about 1' out from the vent with ping pong balls bubbles breaking the surface. most of the platform is dry
22214 29 Jun 2022 @ 1421 --- cb much of the orange bacterial mat has turned to white. golf - ping pong ball sized bubbles breaking the surface. Slightly in overflow just below the platform rim toward Porcelain basin
22197 29 Jun 2022 @ 0931 --- mwolf recent overflow, continuous bubbles
22087 23 Jun 2022 @ 1746 --- cb occational string of small bubbles
21613 31 May 2022 @ 1535 --- cb overflowing with occational strings of small bubbles. clear
21415 22 May 2022 @ 0855 --- mhreed Frequent tiny bubbles. Pool is brown-orange with thermophile growth in the vent.
21334 16 May 2022 @ 1130 --- Tara Clear and calm, brownish color.
21069 24 Apr 2022 @ 1320 --- DanS Occasionally bubbles with small amount of overflow. More overflow and bubbling at 1555.
21018 18 Apr 2022 @ 1643 --- MAB sparse sm bubbles followed by sm string of bbl
20023 17 Oct 2021 @ 1215 --- MAB slightest ovfl - steady bubbles - no thumps
19899 05 Oct 2021 @ 1117 --- MAB greenish color w tiny bubbles and trickle overflow
19814 30 Sep 2021 @ 1311 --- cb slightly in overflow. Occational tiny bubbles from vent. color is cloudy green at the vent
19708 23 Sep 2021 @ 1005 --- MAB Full with overflow to west
19611 16 Sep 2021 @ 1058 --- cb looks sad! not in overflow & just an occational very small bubble breaking the surface. color is greenish, vent is a lighter shade of blue green and pool is mostly clear.
19623 16 Sep 2021 @ 0908 --- MAB string of small bubbles - green around the edges
19375 08 Sep 2021 @ 1155 --- Tara Milky yellowish water, steady light bubbles
19225 01 Sep 2021 @ 1813 --- MAB a little water with tiny bubbles but platform only 1/3 full - a bit green around the gills
18834 04 Aug 2021 @ 1743 --- MAB water has retreated and covers much less of the crater area surrounding the vent - no overflow in any direction
18785 01 Aug 2021 @ 1039 --- cb not in overflow. barely any bubbles
18669 25 Jul 2021 @ 1742 --- cb Not in overflow. cloudy and slight bubbles.
18152 28 Jun 2021 @ 1658 --- MAB trickle overflow - string of small bubbles
17926 19 Jun 2021 @ 1705 --- MAB steady string of bubbles - might be fuller on south edges or could be the lighting or wind pushed - trickle overflow in 2 spots
17859 16 Jun 2021 @ 0859 --- novakg Light convection and overflow.
17570 08 Jun 2021 @ 1134 --- cb fairly steady stream of bubbles that break the surface. slight overflow
17209 27 May 2021 @ 1455 --- MAB trickle overflow - string of bubbles
17000 06 May 2021 @ 1328 --- MAB steady cherry-tomato-size bubbles - trickle overflow - no thumps
16969 30 Apr 2021 @ 1512 --- MAB frequent small bubbles - trickle overflow
16893 20 Apr 2021 @ 1541 --- MAB a few bubbles w almost imperceptible trickle of runoff
16482 29 Oct 2020 @ 1046 --- MAB Trickle overflow- a few bubbleses
16346 06 Oct 2020 @ 1301 --- cb mildly overflowing. Over the vent is still turquoise in color and clear. Occational bubble breaks the surface.
15552 13 Aug 2020 @ 1105 --- cb also a beautiful milky turquoise blue color over the vent. A few, very few!, dime sized bubbles: mostly calm. pool is overflowing on both sides
14508 02 Jun 2020 @ 1804 --- cb Vent is a slight turquoise blue color. small occational dime - quarter sized bubbles. slight overflow
14006 03 Nov 2019 @ 1123 --- MAB trickle overflow to west & NW - none on east side
13973 25 Oct 2019 @ 1516 --- MAB trickle overflow west northwest and a tiny bit to east. no snow or ice at that spot on boardwalk
13958 18 Oct 2019 @ 1305 --- MAB overflow north and west but no east overflow today
13941 14 Oct 2019 @ 1557 --- MAB No eruption yet. But there was slight overflow west northwest and east
12893 31 Jul 2019 @ 0937 --- cb Pearl has a fairly constant flow of bubbles breaking the surface anywhere from 1/2" - 2" in diameter.
12794 25 Jul 2019 @ 1605 --- cb pool high and a milky blue color
12027 29 Jun 2019 @ 0840 --- cb pool is in slight overflow to the North and is pulsing with 2" bubbles breaking the surface causing wonderful convection waves. Surrounding runoff is damp with some areas of slight pooling in the channels.
11824 16 Jun 2019 @ 0857 --- cb inner tube is a beautiful turquoise blue color. has a stream of 1" - 2" bubbles that pop at the water level.
11755 12 Jun 2019 @ 0950 --- MAB slight overflow- tiny bubbles
11326 22 May 2019 @ 0646 --- Kyle full and gently bubbling
11325 21 May 2019 @ 0929 --- Kyle full and gently bubbling
11324 20 May 2019 @ 0830 --- Kyle full with light bubbling
11236 13 May 2019 @ 1129 --- MAB Slight overflow
11147 02 May 2019 @ 1053 --- MAB tiny bubbles but no overflow
11058 23 Apr 2019 @ 1112 --- MAB trickle overflow with tiny bubbles
10727 04 Nov 2018 @ 1152 --- MAB Full. No idea if from snowfall or internal filling. Saw bubbles but didn't stay to see if it would thump, it was blustery out there! Wet warm ground - no idea if there is other overflow than the typical flow to the west, but there was no snow on the ground surrounding Pearl for quite a ways in all directions.
10397 23 Sep 2018 @ 1004 --- MAB Platform full and slight trickle overflow. Bubbles and nice thumps too.
9905 28 Aug 2018 @ 1016 --- cb bubbles that are breaking the surface
9663 10 Aug 2018 @ 1413 10 Aug 2018 @ 1414 MAB Clear w small bubbles. Not overflowing. Thumps 1413, louder more distinct thumps 1414
9437 03 Aug 2018 @ 1113 --- cb clear pool with a slight bubbling that breaks the surface. Occasionally I've seen doming that produces convection waves.
19285 15 Jul 2018 @ 1825 --- research-mab 7-15-2018 CB PEARL 1825 See Note under Steamboat Vixen platform & runoff channel is wet, water pooled in its tube but I did not see an eruption in the 15 minutes I observed. Pearl still has a yellow hue. Porkchop water is back up to the rim of the pool. Green dragon runoff is again clear however the runoff channels are coated in brown. Yellow funnel has no visible water but I can hear deep grumbling with splashing down deep. Echinus water level is good with nice runoff and a weak 2 vent boil. (hum!) Crater Spring water is LOW and murky brown/gray. Emerald Spring is the same, clear, green with weak convection waves.
9161 12 Jul 2018 @ 1025 --- cb still has a yellow hue to the pool
9133 11 Jul 2018 @ 0954 --- Tara Gently bubbling, full but barely overflowing, yellowish water with yellow deposits in crater.
19278 27 Jun 2018 @ 1800 --- research-mab 6-27-2018 PEARL – 1800 CB see Note under Steamboat Vixen is back to more regular play. The steam vent by Vixen is quieter. Pearl has bubbles breaking the surface. Pork chop is down about 4" from the rim. Green dragon is putting out chocolate brown runoff. Yellow funnel is way low, muddy brown and turbulent. Blue mud steam vents water/mud is not visable. Crater Spring water level is low as is Echinus. Echinus run off channel is dry in many areas. This back basin is much the same as last night except for Vixen. sorry for the long note! Forgot about Emerald. . . cuz it is the same! Boiling in the East thumb, green and fairly clear.
8879 21 Jun 2018 @ 0948 21 Jun 2018 @ 0951 Polly Pearl looks like a pool with a boiling vent in the center. It had constant boiling and overflow during my observation. There is also a steam vent across the boardwalk from Pearl that is very loud at times (I could hear it from Veteran.)
8560 03 Jun 2018 @ 0849 03 Jun 2018 @ 1510 Siegmund At 0849, calm, slight overflow. Hot enough to be all blue. Clear water, no trace of milkiness. At 1147, Firehole Pool style blue flashes in bottom of the crater, but boiling never reached the surface. At 1510, quiet overflow with gas bubbles.
8292 25 May 2018 @ 0703 --- jazzknick Gentle convection and bubbling, barely perceptible overflow as pool rises and falls perhaps an inch. Bubbling appears to be vaguely cyclic, mostly on with pauses of about 10 to 25 seconds every few minutes. Just before pause convection increases and small waves push toward edge. Pool cycle is longer than bubble cycle, lasting at least 15 minutes.
8210 15 May 2018 @ 1000 --- MAB Pearl in very slight overflow most of the day 5/15
8112 07 May 2018 @ 1722 --- MAB Pearl THUMPS - tiny bubbles - tiny ripples, no overflow, but good thumps!
3803 23 Oct 2016 @ 1030 --- DanS Full Pool with slight overflow
3551 26 Aug 2016 @ 1400 --- Kent Pearl in overflow. Water clear, not opalescent
3487 13 Aug 2016 @ 0811 --- sfavor runoff noted
3225 24 Jun 2016 @ 1102 --- David full. appears to have overflowed recently. see photo:
2972 05 Jun 2016 @ 1100 --- MAB Fuller than my last visit (6-01) with slight overflow to the N. Overflow marks were dried out and invisible by 1530
2942 01 Jun 2016 @ 1252 --- MAB Not overflowing, but has some bubbles
2787 26 Apr 2016 @ 1500 --- sfavor Noted runoff from recent activity. Small unnamed feature across boardwalk seemed more active than normal.
2741 16 Apr 2016 @ 1215 --- Siegmund A trickle of overflow out the back side, a lovely robin-egg blue color in the center. Prettiest I've seen it look in years.
2483 05 Oct 2015 @ 1700 --- MAB Full with a slight overflow-seep to the north, but probably from the rainy weekend. No bubbles seen coming from the vent.
2379 18 Sep 2015 @ 1346 --- MAB More bubbling from the vent than my last visit. Rains have quit so can state it is fuller. Not in overflow, yet, but there is a dark seep on the north side towards Vixen. Vent is light green.
2357 15 Sep 2015 @ 1425 --- MAB Bubbles and convection from the vent. Hard to determine how much new water infused onto the platform since the 12th due to heavy rains, but the green in the vent is disappearing.
3226 30 Sep 2013 @ 1124 --- David level down about 1". calm water; milky blue. see:
4747 03 Aug 2003 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/03/2003 Pearl is full & erupting. JT
4748 13 Jul 2003 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/13/03 Pearl has drained and is in steamphase
4732 19 Jul 2001 @ 1800 --- research-mab 7/19/2001 Pearl: almost constant play, 1-4 feet
4708 02 Jul 1990 @ 1800 --- research-mab 7/2/90 Pearl is steaming. Vixen erupted this a.m. - water around vent. So did Veteran Geyser.
4713 25 Jun 1990 @ 0900 --- research-mab 6/25/1990 Pearl Geyser is steaming, that’s all. Removed lots of rocks from around the vent & a big stick from within vent.
7590 05 Feb 1989 @ 0000 05 Feb 1989 @ 2359 JSJ Central vent full to 3 centimeters below overflow - varies. Slight bubbling.
4686 06 Aug 1987 @ 1800 --- research-mab 8/6/1987 Pearl Geyser remains drained and Porkchop diminished in eruptive height and intensity.
7603 11 Feb 1984 @ 1800 --- research-mab 02/11/1984 Pearl Geyser. Strong pulsations & wave action 78ºC
5137 09 Jun 1980 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/09/1980 Pearl Geyser – pulsing nicely and occasionally bursting to one foot 179ºF
5609 30 Jun 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/30/1975 Interesting Back Basin Note (post quakes) Pearl was crystal clear, Echinus was quite gray in color. Emerald Spring gray
6106 02 Sep 1973 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/02/1973 Water seen in vent between Pearl & Vixen {generic time}
6015 11 Apr 1973 @ 1500 --- research-mab 4/11/1973 {time approx} Pearl Geyser – much new silica in channels 161
6532 10 Sep 1971 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/10/1971 Pearl Geyser – pool is also clear as usual but surface is much more agitated by waves and pulsations than normal. This evening occasional steam explosions from below were able to burst to the surface and shoot water as high as 3 feet – which is the first time for at least the past 2 summers.
07 Aug 1994 @ 1037 JSJ Video by David Schwarz (timestamp - 2:27) of Pearl Geyser in eruption during the late morning of 7 August 1994.
Baseline does not exist.