Last Known Eruption
5y 182d 18h 46m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
24 Apr 2019 @ 1442 ie2y 308d 1h 57m
20 Jun 2016 @ 1245

Interval Statistics

Interval Count1
Min2y 308d 1h 57m
Max2y 308d 1h 57m
Mean2y 308d 1h 57m
Median2y 308d 1h 57m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
21070 24 Apr 2022 @ 1410 --- DanS Pool in overflow. Small unng on edge of pool not erupting.
21039 18 Apr 2022 @ 1255 --- MAB full cloudy blue with whitish suspended matter on the edges similar to last fall
20173 28 Oct 2021 @ 1521 --- MAB seafoam green color with whitish edges - full
19703 23 Sep 2021 @ 1555 --- cb Water level is all the way up to high water mark and very close to overflow. side vent is active and erupting to 1'. color of water is a aqua blue.
19615 16 Sep 2021 @ 1154 --- cb Jetsam is 1' below rim with the side vent toward the Palm pool splashing to ~1'. And a small new feature below Jetsam in Ledge's runoff channel erupting to 6".
19001 22 Aug 2021 @ 0903 --- MAB cloudy seafoam green in color - full
18766 31 Jul 2021 @ 0839 --- MAB down 1.5ft - still clay brown color - no visible boils
18665 25 Jul 2021 @ 1815 --- cb pool down 3'+
18582 22 Jul 2021 @ 1250 --- Tara Light brown muddy water, down 1.5 feet, bubbling in NW side
18298 06 Jul 2021 @ 0847 --- MAB Down 2 feet!! Still the same odd french gray clay color
17547 07 Jun 2021 @ 0858 --- MAB full enough to flow out west notch - shoulder vent active - strong bubblers on NW edge
16957 29 Apr 2021 @ 1455 --- DanS UNNG at edge of Jetsam erupting.
16927 26 Apr 2021 @ 1122 --- DanS UNNG at edge of Jetsam is active.
16278 26 Sep 2020 @ 1410 --- cb Jetsam pool is high, 3" below overflow
11016 20 Apr 2019 @ 0917 --- MAB Full, a pretty Green color, the shoulder vent erupting gangbusters.
10509 30 Sep 2018 @ 1030 30 Sep 2018 @ 1610 MAB About a foot above water level and a meter south of the existing fracture/spouter, steam was visible in the morning at the farthest end of the depression, in warmer afternoon one could see tiny blips in the water closer to Jetsam in the depression. In other news Jetsam was full and in overflow with slight convection.
9621 10 Aug 2018 @ 1607 --- MAB Side vent active but not as tall as seen previously. Pool is closer to overflow.
9383 01 Aug 2018 @ 1620 --- MAB The vent on the south shoulder of Jetsam is displaying bursts to 3-4 feet! Some stronger than others. Jetsam itself is well below overflow. This seen again around 1715 and walking out 1843
7721 17 Oct 2017 @ 0935 --- MAB Spouter on south rim still active through the day- I think the vent is larger too. Jetsam is full- slight trickle overflow to SW
6291 11 Sep 2017 @ 0930 11 Sep 2017 @ 1800 MAB Water level a bit lower - the spouter on the south (left) rim has enlarged its vent and frequently splashing - some up to 2 feet.
5680 03 Sep 2017 @ 1907 --- srboom Splashing from vent on south side of pool.
5364 24 Aug 2017 @ 1000 --- MAB Spouter on the south rim of Jetsam is quite active - vent area looks enlarged
4213 04 Jun 2017 @ 1600 --- MAB The scummy floating mats that were present on opening have sunk. Jetsam looks hotter with clear water and is overflowing to the south from the west end.
3385 28 Jul 2016 @ 1309 --- MAB Little side vent on the south rim of Jetsam was active today. Also seen IE at 1850. You can hear the wave-slosh inside before water comes out, kinda fun
3150 28 Jun 2016 @ 1003 --- MAB The vent in the center on the south side of Jetsam (above full pool water level) was sputtering to 6-8". Not as much of an 'eruption' as seen on my last visit-but could be worth watching. I didn't make it back there to see it again. Be sure to look there when you drop into Porcelain.
7617 11 Feb 1984 @ 1800 --- research-mab 02/11/1984 Jetsam Pool No change in water level due to leakage. Opaque Turbid – light gray brown.
5107 30 Jun 1977 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/30/1977Jetsam pool has turned into a Sulphur Cauldron today – almost yellow. The mud pot out by Lewis mudpot has gone completely dry.
5681 02 Sep 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/02/1975 Jetsam Pool – down one foot in water level, Pool is turbid.
5661 29 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/29/1975 Jetsam down 18”
5662 28 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/28/1975 Jetsam down 2’
5605 09 Jul 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/09/1975 Jetsam down 2’ (since tremors)
6179 22 Sep 1973 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/22/1973 Congress blue color. Jetsam - clear & green
6138 11 Sep 1973 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/11/1973 Jetsam Pool has returned to a green color.
6084 26 Aug 1973 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/26/1973 Jetsam pool still grey
6070 20 Aug 1973 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/20/1973 Jetsam Pool is gray instead of Turquoise.
6457 10 Sep 1972 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/10/1972 Jetsam Pool – the bubbling activity has ceased on the NW half of the pool & has shifted to the SE. Also, the dark gray runoff channel is being coated in part by a light pinkish flesh colored deposit.
6504 15 May 1972 @ 1800 --- research-mab 05/15/1972 Jetsam – milky greenish grey, bubbling 193º
6583 09 Sep 1971 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/09/1971 In the evening a tour was made of the basins and additional changes were noted: The water level in Jetsam pool has dropped a little over an inch and as a result, there is less than half the runoff that there was for the past month. {evening observations}
6578 09 Sep 1971 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/09/1971 Jetsam is now a light gray instead of the beautiful sky blue that it has been for many weeks. Also the activity in the pool seems to have increased. {morning}
6562 31 Jul 1971 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/31/1971 Jetsam Pool is having a lot more runoff and is becoming a more clear light blue color.
6560 22 Jul 1971 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/22/1971 Other changes have been noticed around Ledge & Valentine Geyser; one is that the hole in the side of the hill west of Valentine is larger with water in the bottom of it; Jetsam Pool has a greater discharge (over 2X than before the eruption of Ledge, also the point of greatest boiling has shifted in part from east of center to the north west edge and then shifted back again.
6597 07 Sep 1970 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/07/1970 Jetsam pool has been starting to clear up in the past couple of weeks,
6618 01 Sep 1970 @ 1300 --- research-mab 09/01/1970 A survey of pools and geysers in the area made during the {Ledge} eruption showed that Jetsam Pool had a larger volume (3 times) of run-off than usual. Basin was about completely drained with a small amount of water splashing about in the bottom of its fissure. As I write this at 3:55 there is still a considerable amount of steam still emerging under pressure from the Ledge geyser.
6612 15 Jul 1970 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/15/1970 Jepsam pool {Jetsam} is full again, the heavy bubbling activity has shifted toward the middle & east end & the surface has an oily texture.
6611 14 Jul 1970 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/14/1970 Jepsam pool {Jetsam} is becoming slightly more active like in June. The water level of the pool which had been practically full for the past couple of weeks appears to have dropped 2-3 inches since yesterday.
6608 21 Jun 1970 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/21/1970 {Jetsam} is very full but height of eruption down. {no time}
6607 20 Jun 1970 @ 0730 --- research-mab 06/20/1970 Jepsam pool {Jetsam} up to level which covers the pool floor. Porcelain drainage stream below it was very muddy again.
6606 19 Jun 1970 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/19/1970 Jepsen Pool {Jetsam} ejected muddy water 20-30 feet in AM, water level down considerably but up almost to June 18 level at 9:45PM. Porcelain drainage cloudy in AM, clear at 9:25 PM
6605 18 Jun 1970 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/18/1970 Jepsen Spring [Jetsam} 198ºF became very active yesterday throwing very muddy water up to 6-8 feet at highest. A lot of the muddy water was sloshed out, making part of the drainage stream for Porcelain Basin turbid.
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