Last Known Eruption
2y 68d 9h 36m ago

Interval Statistics

Interval Count27
Max27y 325d 22h 41m
Mean1y 132d 4h 2m
Median22h 32m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
15475 09 Aug 2020 @ 1313 09 Aug 2020 @ 1741 JSJ All closed intervals. Filmed. Perforated Cone eruptions today correlated with rises in Lone Star's water level. Somewhat deep-pitched sizzling sounds accompanied each Perforated Cone eruption, which involved spitting and spritzing from multiple small vents.
1226 07 Aug 2013 @ 1425 --- JSJ Very small spitting/sputtering at 1425 on.
09 Aug 2020 @ 1551 JSJ Clips 9-16 of this video (= time stamp 9:38 to the end) show Perforated Cone Geyser's 3:51 to 4:20 PM eruption on 9 August 2020.
09 Aug 2020 @ 1352 JSJ Clips 6-8 of this video (= time stamp 7:23 to 9:37) show Perforated Cone Geyser's 1:52 to ~2:11 PM eruption on 9 August 2020.
09 Aug 2020 @ 1313 JSJ Clips 1-5 of this video (= beginning to time stamp 7:22) show Perforated Cone Geyser's 1:13 to 1:34 PM eruption on 9 August 2020.
Baseline does not exist.