Last Known Eruption
2y 18d 18h 53m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
08 Jul 2022 @ 2347 ns15h 54m
08 Jul 2022 @ 0753 ns2h 38m
08 Jul 2022 @ 05157h 32m
07 Jul 2022 @ 2143 ns23h 53m
06 Jul 2022 @ 21501h 8m
06 Jul 2022 @ 2042~1m 20s 11h 3m
06 Jul 2022 @ 0938:071m 22s 2h 15m
06 Jul 2022 @ 0723 ns9h 37m
05 Jul 2022 @ 2146 ns12h 34m
05 Jul 2022 @ 09121h 5m
05 Jul 2022 @ 08072h 53m
05 Jul 2022 @ 051419h 50m
04 Jul 2022 @ 09242h 16m
04 Jul 2022 @ 070810h 23m
03 Jul 2022 @ 20451m 23s 12h 23m
03 Jul 2022 @ 0822 ns2h 1m
03 Jul 2022 @ 06212m 16h 56m
02 Jul 2022 @ 1325 ns2h 50m
02 Jul 2022 @ 1035 ns2h 20m
02 Jul 2022 @ 0815 ns2h 12m
02 Jul 2022 @ 0603~1m 30s 1d 29m
01 Jul 2022 @ 0534 ns20h 3m
30 Jun 2022 @ 0931 ns4h 25m
30 Jun 2022 @ 0506 ns1d 19h 36m
28 Jun 2022 @ 0930 ns1h 29m
28 Jun 2022 @ 0801 ns3h 10m
28 Jun 2022 @ 0451 ie19h 57m
27 Jun 2022 @ 0854 ns1d 46m
26 Jun 2022 @ 0808 ns16h 16m
25 Jun 2022 @ 1552 ns4h 25m
25 Jun 2022 @ 1127 ns1d 2h 51m
24 Jun 2022 @ 0836 ns1h 50m
24 Jun 2022 @ 0646 ns22h 27m
23 Jun 2022 @ 0819 ns10h 34m
22 Jun 2022 @ 2145 ie23h 25m
21 Jun 2022 @ 2220 ie3d 2h 39m
18 Jun 2022 @ 1941 ns2d 22h 0m
15 Jun 2022 @ 21416d 5h 35m
09 Jun 2022 @ 1606 ie19h 7m
08 Jun 2022 @ 2059 ie1d 10h 27m
07 Jun 2022 @ 1032 ns2h 14m
07 Jun 2022 @ 0818 ns1d 2h 0m
06 Jun 2022 @ 0618 ie2d 21h 42m
03 Jun 2022 @ 0836 ns19h 6m
02 Jun 2022 @ 1330 A8d 18h 3m
24 May 2022 @ 19271d 9h 2m
23 May 2022 @ 1025 A5d 3h 18m
18 May 2022 @ 0707 ie1d 12m
17 May 2022 @ 0655 ie14d 19h 56m
02 May 2022 @ 1059 ie74d 22h 25m
16 Feb 2022 @ 1134 ns16d 23h 47m
30 Jan 2022 @ 1147239d 4h 17m
05 Jun 2021 @ 0830~1m 30s 19d 11h 35m
16 May 2021 @ 2055 ns283d 23h 17m
05 Aug 2020 @ 2138 ie4d 12h 38m
01 Aug 2020 @ 0900 ns~1m 9d 4h 42m
23 Jul 2020 @ 0418 ie9d 21h 10m
13 Jul 2020 @ 07081m 45s 3d 1h 36m
10 Jul 2020 @ 053215d 22h 28m
24 Jun 2020 @ 0704 ns5d 23h 26m
18 Jun 2020 @ 07386d 22h 20m
11 Jun 2020 @ 0918 ie2d 4h 1m
09 Jun 2020 @ 0517 ie3d 10h 3m
05 Jun 2020 @ 1914 ie8d 8h 35m
28 May 2020 @ 1039 ie3d 23h 54m
24 May 2020 @ 1045 ns258d 21h 15m
08 Sep 2019 @ 1330 ie36d 21h 57m
02 Aug 2019 @ 1533 ie26d 17h 31m
06 Jul 2019 @ 2202 ie3d 13h 33m
03 Jul 2019 @ 0829 ns5d 10h 32m
27 Jun 2019 @ 2157 ie10d 15h 35m
17 Jun 2019 @ 0622 ns9h 49m
16 Jun 2019 @ 2033 ns11h 44m
16 Jun 2019 @ 0849 ns10d 3h 32m
06 Jun 2019 @ 05174d 17h 57m
01 Jun 2019 @ 11201h 2m
01 Jun 2019 @ 10181d 14m
31 May 2019 @ 1004 ns12h 23m
30 May 2019 @ 2141 ie9d 15h 17m
21 May 2019 @ 06241d 16h 10m
19 May 2019 @ 1414 ie26d 23h 37m
22 Apr 2019 @ 1437 ns1d 20h 26m
20 Apr 2019 @ 18111m 246d 1h 53m
17 Aug 2018 @ 16181h 0m
17 Aug 2018 @ 1518 ini1m 30s 38d 4h 16m
10 Jul 2018 @ 110216d 3h 42m
24 Jun 2018 @ 0720~1m 30s 1d 22m
23 Jun 2018 @ 0658 ie22d 22h 29m
31 May 2018 @ 0829~1m 20s 58m
31 May 2018 @ 0731~1m 20s

Interval Statistics

Interval Count89
Max283d 23h 17m
Mean16d 20h 24m
Median1d 46m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
22414 08 Jul 2022 @ 1420 08 Jul 2022 @ 1600 LynnS The pool was full when I arrived at 1420 and was still full when I left at 1600.
22393 08 Jul 2022 @ 0814 --- steve No water in the vent.
22390 07 Jul 2022 @ 1330 07 Jul 2022 @ 1500 LynnS Was full with light overflow diring this time, no eruption
22371 06 Jul 2022 @ 1940 --- Tara Pool full, no recent eruption
22369 06 Jul 2022 @ 1500 06 Jul 2022 @ 1530 LynnS Fungoid dod not erupt during this time.
22368 06 Jul 2022 @ 1115 06 Jul 2022 @ 1500 LynnS I am reasonably certain Fungoid did not erupt during this time.
22358 06 Jul 2022 @ 1048 --- User34 Pool in low overflow
22367 06 Jul 2022 @ 0940 06 Jul 2022 @ 1045 LynnS I am reasonably certain Fungoid did not erupt during this time.
22356 06 Jul 2022 @ 0825 --- Tara Pool refilled to near rim
22355 06 Jul 2022 @ 0807 --- Tara No water visible in pool from road.
22328 04 Jul 2022 @ 1610 --- LynnS Has not yet erupted again since the eruption at 0924.
22327 04 Jul 2022 @ 0525 --- LynnS No water is visible
22291 02 Jul 2022 @ 1530 02 Jul 2022 @ 1600 LynnS Fungoid was full when I arrived at 15:30 and still full when I left at 1600.
22262 01 Jul 2022 @ 1725 --- Tara No water visible in crater
22263 01 Jul 2022 @ 1120 --- Tara No water visible in crater
22156 27 Jun 2022 @ 1637 --- LynnS No water visible in the crater
22137 26 Jun 2022 @ 1500 --- LynnS No water visible in the crater
22026 18 Jun 2022 @ 2053 --- Tara Crater empty, steaming.
21929 11 Jun 2022 @ 0535 --- LynnS No water visible in the crater.
21880 09 Jun 2022 @ 1924 --- SteveO Empty.
21864 09 Jun 2022 @ 1106 --- SantaFe108 Water is a couple inches below rim.
21848 08 Jun 2022 @ 2019 --- mhreed Empty.
21806 07 Jun 2022 @ 1121 --- mhreed Empty.
21803 07 Jun 2022 @ 0555 --- SantaFe108 Crater is empty.
21889 06 Jun 2022 @ 1610 --- LynnS The crater appears to be empty.
21746 05 Jun 2022 @ 1018 --- cb no visable water in the crater
21685 03 Jun 2022 @ 1041 --- steve Vent empty
21560 28 May 2022 @ 1723 --- geysergaze Crater empty
21433 23 May 2022 @ 1443 --- Micah Kipple Full and bubbling.
21427 23 May 2022 @ 1203 --- User34 Empty
21429 23 May 2022 @ 1112 --- Micah Kipple Crater is empty with water in the runoff.
21430 23 May 2022 @ 0942 --- TSBryan slightly below overflow
21428 23 May 2022 @ 0742 --- Micah Kipple Full, with bubbling on the pool.
21381 20 May 2022 @ 0820 --- cb pool is high. just a hair below the rim.
21338 17 May 2022 @ 1138 --- steve No water visible in the vent.
21321 16 May 2022 @ 1500 --- Tara Crater empty.
21284 15 May 2022 @ 0904 --- Tara water level down, saw a splash to about 2 feet, so probably recovering after an eruption. No eruption within 2 minutes of splash but I couldn't stay.
21219 08 May 2022 @ 1039 --- cb crater rim exposed. no visible water
21172 05 May 2022 @ 0946 --- cb crater is drained, no visable water, runoff channels wet with some pooling
21167 05 May 2022 @ 0908 --- Tara water level down, not visible from road
21103 27 Apr 2022 @ 0922 --- DanS Crater empty. Runoff channels wet.
20041 18 Oct 2021 @ 1642 --- Tara full and bubbling
20038 18 Oct 2021 @ 1500 --- Tara Crater empty, huffing steam. First evidence of an eruption since June
17915 19 Jun 2021 @ 0505 --- LynnS Pool is not full; no steam in the overflow channel
17921 17 Jun 2021 @ 0808 --- Tara down a few inches below rim
17328 01 Jun 2021 @ 0739 --- steve Full of water with some bubbling.
17311 31 May 2021 @ 1115 --- LynnS Crater is empty
17312 31 May 2021 @ 0558 --- LynnS Full and overflowing
17252 29 May 2021 @ 0520 --- LynnS Full and overflowing
17172 25 May 2021 @ 0630 --- LynnS Full and overflowing
17163 23 May 2021 @ 0750 --- LynnS Full and overflowing
17083 14 May 2021 @ 0751 --- Micah Kipple 2 feet down.
17008 07 May 2021 @ 1005 --- Janet Jones Empty and steaming with water in the overflow channels.
15736 26 Aug 2020 @ 1229 --- Janet Jones 2-3" Below overflow
15521 11 Aug 2020 @ 1852 --- minissa Pool full with heavier runoff
15520 11 Aug 2020 @ 1536 --- minissa Pool full with light runoff
15411 06 Aug 2020 @ 1210 06 Aug 2020 @ 1615 TinaN Water level consistent at about 1" below edge of pool during this time
15388 05 Aug 2020 @ 1540 --- LynnS Crater is full.
15401 05 Aug 2020 @ 1315 05 Aug 2020 @ 1330 Tara Mostly full at 1310, gradually filling to within 1/2" of rim with consistent bubbling and occasional convection.
15380 05 Aug 2020 @ 1222 --- Tara Crater empty and pushing steam
15344 03 Aug 2020 @ 1619 --- TinaN No water visible in crater
15345 03 Aug 2020 @ 1430 --- LynnS The crater is full.
14967 13 Jul 2020 @ 0651 --- LynnS The pool is now full and there is faint steam in the runoff channel.
15015 13 Jul 2020 @ 0518 --- LynnS Crater appears to be empty.
14834 01 Jul 2020 @ 0530 --- LynnS Crater has no visible water in it.
14790 29 Jun 2020 @ 1702 --- steve Vent with no visible water at 1702, but at 1712 Fungoid gave a cloud of steam with no visible water (from the Fountain turn out)
14762 28 Jun 2020 @ 1454 --- steve Full of water and overflowing
14750 28 Jun 2020 @ 0505 --- LynnS No water visible in the crater.
14730 25 Jun 2020 @ 0505 --- LynnS No water visible in the crater.
14656 17 Jun 2020 @ 0505 --- LynnS Crater is not full.
14617 12 Jun 2020 @ 0925 --- LynnS Pool has refilled.
14616 12 Jun 2020 @ 0525 --- LynnS Pool was empty.
14586 10 Jun 2020 @ 0518 --- LynnS Crater was empty.
14033 15 Dec 2019 @ 0938 --- Micah Kipple Eruption channels appear to be melted out through the snow. However the thick bacteria mat to the North was thick and still alive so I'm uncertain if the melted channels are indicative of a full eruption.
13631 08 Sep 2019 @ 1431 --- Tara water level several inches down from rim
12872 30 Jul 2019 @ 1108 --- Tara Crater empty.
11903 21 Jun 2019 @ 0635 --- LynnS Crater is empty
11796 14 Jun 2019 @ 1853 --- ldgordon Full and overflowing
11725 11 Jun 2019 @ 1438 --- Tara Full and overflowing.
11724 11 Jun 2019 @ 1237 --- Tara Full and overflowing.
11675 09 Jun 2019 @ 0713 09 Jun 2019 @ 1340 JSJ No eruptions. In overflow.
11599 05 Jun 2019 @ 1905 05 Jun 2019 @ 2105 Tara Full, overflowing, and bubbling during this time.
11545 03 Jun 2019 @ 0934 --- Micah Kipple Empty crater
11491 02 Jun 2019 @ 0650 --- Graham Full and overflowing
11493 01 Jun 2019 @ 2315 --- Tara Full and overflowing.
11463 31 May 2019 @ 1940 31 May 2019 @ 2105 Kyle full and overflowing
11416 29 May 2019 @ 1600 --- geysergaze No eruption as of 16:00. Still full and overflowing
11410 29 May 2019 @ 0745 29 May 2019 @ 0845 Kyle full and over flowing
11409 29 May 2019 @ 0610 --- Kyle full and over flowing
11378 27 May 2019 @ 1407 --- Tara Full and overflowing.
11376 27 May 2019 @ 0800 --- Tara Full and overflowing.
11364 26 May 2019 @ 1502 --- Tara Full and overflowing.
11361 26 May 2019 @ 0633 --- Tara Crater empty.
11363 25 May 2019 @ 2120 --- Tara Full and overflowing
11362 25 May 2019 @ 1140 --- Tara Full and overflowing
11340 24 May 2019 @ 0804 --- Kyle empty crater
11339 23 May 2019 @ 2102 --- Kyle empty crater
11308 22 May 2019 @ 0903 --- Kyle full and overflowing
11224 13 May 2019 @ 1450 --- Tara Full and bubbling
11223 13 May 2019 @ 0716 --- Tara Full and bubbling.
31 May 2018 @ 0829 JSJ Video by Tara Cross of Fungoid Spring's/Thud Geyser's 8:29 AM eruption on 31 May 2018.
Baseline does not exist.