Last Known Eruption
11y 145d 5h 6m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
01 May 2013 @ 1350 ie18y 272d 3h 8m
07 Aug 1994 @ 1042 ie

Interval Statistics

Interval Count1
Min18y 272d 3h 8m
Max18y 272d 3h 8m
Mean18y 272d 3h 8m
Median18y 272d 3h 8m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
4723 29 Jul 1995 @ 1340 --- research-mab 07/29/1995 Bastille high pressure 1340
5378 01 Feb 1995 @ 1800 --- research-mab 02/01/1995 Bastille was in constant eruption with occasional bursts reaching over my head while I was standing on the boardwalk. (I’m 6’3”)
12699 26 Jul 1994 @ 0000 26 Jul 1994 @ 2359 JarnoO Extra long eruption{s} (as long as 22m); ground around it is 80°C
7867 14 Jul 1992 @ 0815 14 Jul 1992 @ 1450 research-mab The violently Boiling spring near Porkchop is not Corral [sic] Spring – it is a New Geyser!! ← Spouter. I discovered it this morning at 8:15 about 2 inches in diameter- this afternoon at 1450 it had increased to about 3-4 ft in diameter & was erupting continuously 3-6 ft
07 Aug 1994 @ 1042 JSJ Video by David Schwarz of Bastille Geyser erupting (timestamp 6:18) during the late morning of 7 August 1994.
Baseline does not exist.