Last Known Eruption
49y 336d 5h 59m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
06 Sep 1974 @ 121548d 19h 41m
19 Jul 1974 @ 16345h 36m
19 Jul 1974 @ 1058

Interval Statistics

Interval Count2
Min5h 36m
Max48d 19h 41m
Mean24d 12h 38m
Median24d 12h 38m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
22399 08 Jul 2022 @ 1142 --- cb Pool down another 6", 2' below high water ring. It's milk chocolate color with a roil boil in the center and on the end by the bw
22270 01 Jul 2022 @ 1337 --- MAB 2 pt boil light brown in color - 1ft below cracked mud
22245 30 Jun 2022 @ 1214 --- cb A tad more of a boil than last observation. 2 main roiling boils in front of the lg rock in the centerish area of the pool. roiling boil to 3".
22164 27 Jun 2022 @ 1214 --- MAB steady boil mud puddle brown
22121 25 Jun 2022 @ 1249 --- cb Pool is a latte light brown color, water is still high and it has 2 roiling boiling areas in the center of the pool.
22079 23 Jun 2022 @ 1548 --- cb CHANGED again!! last time I looked at Congress it was turquoise blue! Now it is a .... ranger green color, kinda gray green & murky! Has a moderate boil & pool is down ~10" from last observation
22075 15 Jun 2022 @ 1507 --- cb Change! The pool is a BEAUTIFUL turquoise blue color, clear with a 2 point bubbler (smaller than a boil) sending out small convection waves. water level is about 3' below the rim.
21707 03 Jun 2022 @ 1200 --- MAB color changed from my last view - more of a greenish blue and not mud puddle brown - fairly quiet
21482 25 May 2022 @ 0755 --- TSBryan very low, slight bubbling, slate gray water
21445 23 May 2022 @ 1250 --- MAB stronger boil in several spots than last week and light mud puddle color water looks lower - will compare photos and edit
21243 11 May 2022 @ 1240 --- MAB watery brown - not much boil
21028 18 Apr 2022 @ 1252 --- MAB low - sizzly bubbles - light brown
20339 07 Nov 2021 @ 1630 --- mwolf clear, blue, high, calm, zero bubbles
20193 29 Oct 2021 @ 1711 --- MAB CLEAR blue green- can even see into the vent - water level is above that bottom level of deeply cracked mud
20074 21 Oct 2021 @ 1412 --- mwolf clear, green, calm, with occasional little bubbles
20045 19 Oct 2021 @ 1244 --- cb weird. Pool is a clear, greenish color much like Colloidal Spring. Hardly any boil just a random golf ball sized bubble that slowly makes it way to the surface and pops. Water level is about 6" below high water/mud line.
19923 06 Oct 2021 @ 1602 --- cb pool is greenish brown, low water level and 2 very small bubblers
19832 01 Oct 2021 @ 1750 --- MAB Low but NO boil - pool was in shadow but looked greenish brown
19231 01 Sep 2021 @ 1603 01 Sep 2021 @ 1613 MAB separate VRs of varying water level - one said it was rising the other dropping - gave it 10 min and didn't aee anything other than variation from the heavy brown boil
19114 27 Aug 2021 @ 1844 --- MAB brown water w strong boil o west end
18884 10 Aug 2021 @ 1010 --- cb pool is much higher than I last observed. I find this feature so hard to describe pool level. Pool is 1.5' below the edge of the cracked/caked muddy rim.
18443 14 Jul 2021 @ 1900 --- MAB LOWer still - well below the cracked mud at the bottom of the pit - strong boil with more intense action on the west edge
18274 05 Jul 2021 @ 1555 --- cb Pool is very low. 4-5' below the gray muddy high water mark. Below the gray water mark is 4" of a tan water mark. it has a vigorous 1' boil on the edge closest to the boardwalk.
18089 25 Jun 2021 @ 1125 --- MAB Low w/ 4ft of cracked mud exposed - center boil plus very strong boil on West side
17452 04 Jun 2021 @ 1834 --- MAB Water obviously dropped recently exposing 1.5 ft of cracked mud edges- dropped low enough to have a faint heart shape- color of wet cement brownish gray
17282 30 May 2021 @ 1453 --- cb pool is higher than I've seen. Up to the smooth rim, boil on the north edge and in the center, color of milk chocolate
17067 12 May 2021 @ 1817 --- MAB vigorous boil - mud puddle colored
17033 09 May 2021 @ 1316 --- bbev vigorous 3 point boil in low, muddy pool.
16940 28 Apr 2021 @ 1840 --- MAB Low mud-colored water w a 3 point boil
16352 06 Oct 2020 @ 1511 --- cb Water level has come up ~6" since my last observation. It is still the color of milk chocolate with dark chocolate swirls and has a VIGOROUS roiling boil erupting to 1'+ on the edge of the pool closest to the boardwalk. Diameter of the boil is ~1'.
16212 20 Sep 2020 @ 1714 --- cb I find describing water levels in Congress challenging! The pool is LOW. 2' Below it's high water/mud mark from earlier this summer. It has a vigorous roiling boil on the west end of the pool. It's the color of milk chocolate with dark chocolate swirls on the south end of the pool and has a putrid odor! There are 2 interesting features in the Solfatara area about 30' to the west of Congress pool. 2 areas of boiling springs/liquidy mud pots, each about a foot in diameter and about a foot apart, that are pinkish/orange in color.
15790 29 Aug 2020 @ 1020 --- cb Pool is up about a foot from last observation.
15556 13 Aug 2020 @ 1230 --- cb Wowza! Congress pool's water level has really dropped! Not sure how to describe it other than it is lapping at the bottom of the clayish features on the SE edge of the pool. water level is below the muddy line on the western edge of the pool and has 4" of exposed yellowish color on the edges above the water line. Color is still milk chocolate with dark chocolate swirls on the east edge. vigorous boil on the west end.
15455 07 Aug 2020 @ 1156 --- cb Congress pool is slightly higher than last observed. It is a milky hot chocolate color with some dark chocolate swirls. It has a vigorous boil on the end of the pool closest to the boardwalk along with other smaller boils scattered around the pool.
15027 18 Jul 2020 @ 0832 --- bbev Unchanged from yesterday with exception of the stick now floating in pool.
15019 17 Jul 2020 @ 1138 --- bbev Pool is 6"lower than previously seen. Still has vigorous boil in muddy pool.
14947 10 Jul 2020 @ 1330 --- cb Pool is very low & a murky milk chocolatey color with swirls of a dark chocolatey color toward the boardwalk. (best way i can describe it!)
14874 04 Jul 2020 @ 1227 --- bbev low, muddy, boiling pool.
14598 11 Jun 2020 @ 1625 --- cb Congress pool is the color of muddy hot chocolate and has 3 roiling boiling points closest to the boardwalk. Pool is low in the crater.
13429 27 Aug 2019 @ 1324 --- Betty Boiling from a low muddy pool
13249 14 Aug 2019 @ 1522 --- cb pool is up a bit since last observation. Up to the stick on the south edge. Color is muddy brown; think hot chocolate. boiling in 2 areas on the west edge.
13047 05 Aug 2019 @ 0905 --- MAB low churning light water
12894 31 Jul 2019 @ 1030 --- cb vigorous boil. clay light brown in color. pool is higher than last observed by about 6"
12841 28 Jul 2019 @ 0622 --- ypcaribou Water low in pool. Gray and muddy. Roiling to about a foot periodically.
12442 11 Jul 2019 @ 1636 --- cb Congress pool water level is low and down 8' from the rockwork below the bw. color is a brownish green with 2 bubbling points.
12036 29 Jun 2019 @ 1405 --- cb About 6" above the inner tube rim closest to the boardwalk. Blue green in color with 2 areas producing bubbles 1 - 2" in diameter
11826 16 Jun 2019 @ 1026 --- cb water level is up 18" from the inner tube rim. ( side closest to the boardwalk) Color is turquoise blue and a bit cloudy. 2 areas with slight bubbles > center and southwest edge.
11620 07 Jun 2019 @ 1032 --- CrisG Water level about 5' below shoreline. Turquoise with a milky haze. very light bubbling.
11158 03 May 2019 @ 1941 --- cb Low water level. 10 - 12' below overflow. Muddy water with 2 areas that have a significant boil
11144 02 May 2019 @ 0952 --- MAB low brown fairly strong boil in 2 spots
11018 20 Apr 2019 @ 1007 --- MAB Low, brown.
10720 04 Nov 2018 @ 1026 --- MAB Dropped a few more inches since 10-28. Snow encircles the crater except for the east side towards Locomotive/Vermillion area. A very pretty last view.
10675 28 Oct 2018 @ 1725 --- MAB Water level dropped along the shore line about one foot since last Monday. It is now in the steeper part of the crater and may be harder to track the receding, but I'll keep watching it. Still a pretty blue color.
10626 19 Oct 2018 @ 1222 --- MAB Blue color, water level is 2 feet lower on the shoreline {below the white pointy rock} from a month ago.
10617 17 Oct 2018 @ 1120 --- Kent Clear. Steam but calm. Two feet below last month.
10510 30 Sep 2018 @ 1720 --- MAB Congress Pool is on the rise again! Comparative photos from 23rd and today show a rise of about a linear foot along the shoreline closest to the walk. Still a pretty blue color. Water level remained the same today from 0930-1720
10445 25 Sep 2018 @ 1151 --- bbev Down from last week, maybe 4.5 to 5' from " tiny tree" marker. Remains clear blue with some bubbles.
10416 23 Sep 2018 @ 1800 --- MAB water level dropped around 3 inches since 22nd
10350 22 Sep 2018 @ 1000 22 Sep 2018 @ 1600 MAB Comparison photos show Congress water level dropped .5 inch during that time. Still a pretty blue color.
10289 18 Sep 2018 @ 1129 --- bbev Down some from last week, maybe 3.5 to 4' below overflow, 2' from "tiny tree". Still clear with sume bubbles.
10275 17 Sep 2018 @ 1733 --- MAB Still a pretty blue color, water level dropped an inch since the 15th.
10206 14 Sep 2018 @ 1600 --- MAB Still a beautiful blue, Congress is dropping. At 1600 water level was about 2 feet from the road/trail rockwork. At its highest level, water had reached those rocks. The poor little lodgepole sapling that was half submerged is out of the water, the lower half with dead needles.
10166 12 Sep 2018 @ 1154 --- bbev Down maybe 2-3' below overflow, 14" from "tiny tree" next to boardwalk. Still blue and clear, small bubbles in center of pool.
9936 29 Aug 2018 @ 1138 --- bbev Wateri2' below overflow. Water clear, blue, unchanged from yesterday
9915 28 Aug 2018 @ 1127 --- bbev Nearly clear, blue, water level up from last week, "tiny tree" now half submerged. Some bubbling in center.
9876 25 Aug 2018 @ 0708 --- bbev Water level maybe 24-30" from overflow, 1" up the rock wall at boardwalk. Mostly clear, blue, lightly bubbling.
9862 24 Aug 2018 @ 0955 --- MAB Comparative photos = Fail. Water level either stabilized or dropped a tad. Did not see a marked increased from 0955-1657 as I had in recent observations.
9838 22 Aug 2018 @ 1015 --- MAB The poor little lodgepole sapling on the west edge is now under water. Water is now near the bottom of the old road rockwork. Pretty and blue.
9808 21 Aug 2018 @ 1132 --- bbev Water level high, at the base of the "tiny tree" near the boardwalk. Clear beautiful, turquoise blue pool, slightly boiling.
9756 17 Aug 2018 @ 1000 17 Aug 2018 @ 1615 MAB Congress rose 1 inch during these 6 hours. (Comparative rock photos)
9730 15 Aug 2018 @ 0940 15 Aug 2018 @ 1740 MAB Based on the small lodgepole sapling 12" west of the pool and a nearly submerged rock, Congress rose 1.5 inches between 0940 and 1740. Color is blue, water level about a meter below overflow on the south rim.
9720 14 Aug 2018 @ 1945 --- bbev High, somewhat clear, blue, edge of pool is damp 4-6" above water level, light bubbling. Large pool, maybe 500-600' to the NE(?) of Congress, on side of hill below old road, has began to overflow. It had been empty since June and noticed it near full last week. Porcelain springs putting out more water and basin appears to be getting wetter.
9709 13 Aug 2018 @ 0930 --- Kent Pool full to top of old ring, about 18 inches below overflow. Very blue.
9609 10 Aug 2018 @ 1000 10 Aug 2018 @ 1800 MAB Still opaque green with higher water level. Comparison photos show it rising about 1 inch during the day
9584 09 Aug 2018 @ 1120 --- bbev Higher than 2 days ago
9559 08 Aug 2018 @ 1823 --- MAB Water level higher than 2 days ago; per Byron it had risen more since this morning. Changed from blueish to an opaque sea green w/light bubbles from two places.
9518 07 Aug 2018 @ 1134 --- bbev Water level is 2' above level observed last week. No longer boiling vigorously, only a few bubbles over closest vent.
9501 06 Aug 2018 @ 1530 --- MAB Congress Pool has transformed from ugly dark chocolate low boil with water level up about two feet higher and a pretty blue! I will grill the staff and try to pin down when this occurred
19284 15 Jul 2018 @ 1927 --- research-mab 7-15-2018 1927 BBEV CONGRESS See Note under Steamboat 1929 nice vertical minor from NV, 30+', concerted w SV 10-15'. Not much water down runoff . Deep rumble. Nothing really new. 3x1' area of gravel has been dredged exposing a portion of the bottom of trough at bridge. Cistern remains right at overflow, muddy pool SE of crater all but dried up. Nice vertical play from North vent as I was leaving. Emerald continues to boil, cloudy. Congress at same level as this morning. Porcelain at sunset still very active, but less than a week ago.
19281 05 Jul 2018 @ 1201 --- research-mab 7-5-2018 CONGRESS BBEV 1201 See Note under Steamboat Porcelain Basin still very active, but appears drier. Congress pool down 4-6" from yesterday, still boiling vigorously. Emerald Springs and Monarch runoff appears to have increased. Monarch geyser crater has clearer water and much fuller. Corperal boiling, runoff wet. Cistern did not look any different, boiling steadily, just at overflow. Emerald Springs is still cloudy but with noticeably less boiling.
3664 12 Sep 2016 @ 1050 --- Kent Pool clear, not muddy or turquoise and at about the same level as observed on July 5, 2016
3552 26 Aug 2016 @ 1215 --- Kent Water level near where it has been all summer. Water turquoise not gray or brown.
3386 28 Jul 2016 @ 1515 --- MAB Water is CLEAR blue since my last wander by there (too much Vixen, it's been a while. I will find out from staff when it cleared up)
1528 17 Apr 2015 @ 0910 --- Kent Pool a nice shade of turquoise. Level about the same as closing weekend 2014
5379 01 Feb 1995 @ 1800 --- research-mab 02/01/1995 The water level in Congress is up about 3 feet since 1/19. Carnegie remains cold.
4704 11 Jun 1990 @ 1800 --- research-mab 6/11/1990 Congress pool is drained. First time I’ve seen that – small amt of water visible & audible deep in its throat.
7640 26 Jun 1986 @ 1800 --- research-mab 6-26-1986 Congress Pool – opaque dark gray muddy caldron. Water level down ~2m with 2 points of boil up to 1m high. Slight pyrite film on surface. T=199º
5115 19 Aug 1977 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/19/1977 Congress is murky again instead of blue.
5114 11 Aug 1977 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/11/1977 The water level in Congress Pool has risen some and is getting bluer again.
4954 22 Sep 1976 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/22/1976 Congress Pool was erupting, could see the column of water over its edge. Estimate some eruptions at 6-7’. This is a great increase over the activity of the past week.
5550 11 Jul 1976 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/11/1976 Congress Pool has begun to boil up to 18” high every few minutes.
5686 13 Sep 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/13/1975 Congress Pool is now about 4 ½ below high water mark and is erupting. Highest bursts last seen were about 3’.
5698 06 Sep 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/06/1975 Congress now down 3 ½ – 4’
5694 05 Sep 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/05/1975 Congress Pool continuing to drop, boiling more vigorously.
5665 31 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/31/1975 Congress Pool – level in Congress has dropped to all-time low for the summer. Water level is approximately 3 ft below the high water mark.
5658 26 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/26/1975 Congress Pool – continuing to drop in water level - approximately 3’ down from overflow level.
5656 24 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/24/1975 Congress Pool – 178º Water level is down two feet. Eruptive activity noted last week has ceased; pool is turbid.
5640 20 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/20/1975 Congress Pool – vigorous bubbling at center of feature, water has turned turbid. Temp 178º {no time}
5635 18 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/18/1975 Congress Pool – water level has dropped approximately 1 foot.
5624 26 Jul 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/26/1975 Congress Pool is quite blue appears to be clearing. This feature is the bluest its been all summer.
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