Last Known Eruption
2y 44d 3h 10m ago

Interval Statistics

Interval Count14
Max6y 296d 21h 41m
Mean235d 10h 16m
Median5d 13h 0m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
21865 09 Jun 2022 @ 1143 --- SteveO sputtering in right vent.
21711 04 Jun 2022 @ 0734 --- Graham Sputtering
17911 19 Jun 2021 @ 1202 --- Craigmon99 Pooling with water
14219 19 May 2020 @ 1350 --- Janet Jones Has a nice ring of bright purple microbes with purple around the vent as well.
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