Last Known Eruption
2y 19d 4h 34m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
08 Jul 2022 @ 14037m 55m
08 Jul 2022 @ 13086m 1h 2m
08 Jul 2022 @ 12066m 1h 1m
08 Jul 2022 @ 110554m
08 Jul 2022 @ 10116m 50m
08 Jul 2022 @ 09217m 1d 17h 19m
06 Jul 2022 @ 1602 ie6h 13m
06 Jul 2022 @ 0949 ie1d 17h 25m
04 Jul 2022 @ 1624 ie1d 4h 23m
03 Jul 2022 @ 1201 ie6h 55m
03 Jul 2022 @ 0506 ie10h 16m
02 Jul 2022 @ 1850 ini2d 10h 45m
30 Jun 2022 @ 0805 ie2d 2h 4m
28 Jun 2022 @ 0601 ie8h 24m
27 Jun 2022 @ 2137 ie6h 18m
27 Jun 2022 @ 1519 ie22h 7m
26 Jun 2022 @ 1712 ie1d 23h 43m
24 Jun 2022 @ 1729 ie1d 51m
23 Jun 2022 @ 1638 ie2h 3m
23 Jun 2022 @ 1435 ie8h 55m
23 Jun 2022 @ 0540 ie8h 10m
22 Jun 2022 @ 2130 ie2h 3m
22 Jun 2022 @ 1927 ie1d 6h 17m
21 Jun 2022 @ 1310 ie1h 1m
21 Jun 2022 @ 1209 ie2h 1m
21 Jun 2022 @ 1008 ie19h 39m
20 Jun 2022 @ 1429 ie1d 16h 26m
18 Jun 2022 @ 2203 ie3h 55m
18 Jun 2022 @ 1808 ie8h 3m
18 Jun 2022 @ 1005 ie1d 16h 29m
16 Jun 2022 @ 1736 ie2h 51m
16 Jun 2022 @ 1445 ie1d 6h 2m
15 Jun 2022 @ 0843 ie1d 20h 15m
13 Jun 2022 @ 12281h 7m
13 Jun 2022 @ 11211h 0m
13 Jun 2022 @ 102157m
13 Jun 2022 @ 092453m
13 Jun 2022 @ 083150m
13 Jun 2022 @ 0741 ie53m
13 Jun 2022 @ 0648 ie3d 13h 7m
09 Jun 2022 @ 1741 ie5h 8m
09 Jun 2022 @ 12331h 8m
09 Jun 2022 @ 11251h 2m
09 Jun 2022 @ 10231h 3m
09 Jun 2022 @ 09201h 0m
09 Jun 2022 @ 082016h 37m
08 Jun 2022 @ 1543 ie2h 9m
08 Jun 2022 @ 13341h 4m
08 Jun 2022 @ 12301h 5m
08 Jun 2022 @ 112559m
08 Jun 2022 @ 102616h 27m
07 Jun 2022 @ 1759 ie6h 17m
07 Jun 2022 @ 11421h 2m
07 Jun 2022 @ 10401h 0m
07 Jun 2022 @ 09401h 4m
07 Jun 2022 @ 08361h 3m
07 Jun 2022 @ 073323h 53m
06 Jun 2022 @ 0740 ie16h 38m
05 Jun 2022 @ 1502 ie1d 18h 40m
03 Jun 2022 @ 2022 ie3h 21m
03 Jun 2022 @ 1701 ie6h 23m
03 Jun 2022 @ 1038 ie2d 13h 48m
31 May 2022 @ 2050 ie4h 10m
31 May 2022 @ 1640 ie3d 8h 33m
28 May 2022 @ 08071h 29m
28 May 2022 @ 0638>12m 58m
28 May 2022 @ 0540 ie10h 8m
27 May 2022 @ 1932 ie4h 14m
27 May 2022 @ 15187m 1h 5m
27 May 2022 @ 14137m 1h 3m
27 May 2022 @ 13101h 1m
27 May 2022 @ 12096m 1h 2m
27 May 2022 @ 11076m 1h 4m
27 May 2022 @ 10037m 1h 1m
27 May 2022 @ 09027m 1h 0m
27 May 2022 @ 0802 ie1h 3m
27 May 2022 @ 06596m 12h 11m
26 May 2022 @ 1848 ie10h 12m
26 May 2022 @ 0836 ie21h 19m
25 May 2022 @ 1117 ie53m
25 May 2022 @ 1024 ie1d 15h 38m
23 May 2022 @ 1846 ie1h 6m
23 May 2022 @ 1740 ie3h 4m
23 May 2022 @ 1436 ie1d 19h 46m
21 May 2022 @ 1850 ie5h 17m
21 May 2022 @ 1333 ie3h 0m
21 May 2022 @ 1033 ie20h 21m
20 May 2022 @ 1412 ie1d 22h 59m
18 May 2022 @ 1513 ie1d 3h 41m
17 May 2022 @ 1132 ie1d 22h 51m
15 May 2022 @ 1241 ie1d 16h 28m
13 May 2022 @ 2013 ie5h 2m
13 May 2022 @ 1511 ie2d 20h 44m
10 May 2022 @ 1827 ie2h 7m
10 May 2022 @ 1620 ie1d 6h 9m
09 May 2022 @ 1011 ie2d 16h 16m
06 May 2022 @ 1755 ie23h 40m
05 May 2022 @ 1815 ie1d 22h 3m
03 May 2022 @ 2012 ie7d 9h 22m
26 Apr 2022 @ 1050 ie2d 19h 43m

Interval Statistics

Interval Count100
Max7d 9h 22m
Mean18h 13m
Median5h 45m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
18174 28 Jun 2021 @ 2050 28 Jun 2021 @ 2106 Micah Kipple Prior to Flood's eruption, as it was beginning preplay, I was watching the area through my spotting scoped and observed two vents several feet to the northwest (diagonally bottom right from the overlook) of Flood in spraying eruption 6"-1' high. This eruption continued through the beginning of Flood's eruption and ceased by the end. At the end of Flood's eruption, a flicker of movement caught my attention on the edge of Circle Pool, and I swung my scope to see a completely seperate vent erupting roughly the same height as the vents near Flood had, but this vent was right on the edge of Circle Pool. Immediately to the left from the overlook are two vents with no activity, but heavy channels leading from them. I think this area warrants further study around the time of Flood Geyser using binoculars or a spotting scope.
11285 10 May 2019 @ 1944 --- Siegmund off at 1944
10392 20 Sep 2018 @ 1207 20 Sep 2018 @ 1214 Siegmund Not IE.
10358 16 Sep 2018 @ 1925 --- Siegmund Not IE this time.
10357 16 Sep 2018 @ 1846 --- Siegmund Not IE this time.
8439 04 Jun 2018 @ 1130 04 Jun 2018 @ 1303 LynnS Flood did not erupt during this time period.
2743 16 Apr 2016 @ 0916 --- Janet Jones Empty.
1626 23 May 2015 @ 1530 23 May 2015 @ 1700 LynnS Flood Geyser did not eruption during the 90 minutes we had it under observation this afternoon.
16580 17 Feb 1998 @ 0000 17 Feb 1998 @ 2359 JarnoO active as usual
15246 25 Jun 1996 @ 1013 25 Jun 1996 @ 1913 JarnoO 1x:13 ie vr
14336 23 Jul 1995 @ 1400 23 Jul 1995 @ 1459 JarnoO 14:xx; [unreadable]
14301 01 May 1995 @ 1305 01 May 1995 @ 1355 JarnoO 13:x5 ie [unreadable]
18 May 2015 @ 1357 JSJ Video clip (1 of 2) of Flood Geyser's 1:57 to 2:03 PM eruption on 18 May 2015.
07 Jul 2014 @ 1944 JSJ Photo of Flood Geyser's 7:44 to 7:50 PM eruption on 7 July 2014.
03 Jun 2014 @ 0941 JSJ Photo of Flood Geyser's 9:41 to 9:46 AM eruption on 3 June 2014.
05 Jun 2013 @ 1420 JSJ Photo of Flood Geyser's 2:20 to 2:28 PM eruption on 5 June 2013.
05 Aug 2013 @ 1015 JSJ Photo of Flood Geyser's 10:15 to 10:18 AM eruption on 5 August 2013.
Baseline does not exist.