Last Known Eruption
2y 77d 2h 42m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
11 May 2022 @ 1929 ie318d 7h 58m
27 Jun 2021 @ 1131 ie1y 315d 16h 20m
16 Aug 2019 @ 1911 ie114d 5h 54m
24 Apr 2019 @ 1317 ie329d 23h 46m
29 May 2018 @ 1331 ie1y 356d 20h 36m
06 Jun 2016 @ 1655 ie280d 1h 42m
31 Aug 2015 @ 1513 ie36d 23h 16m
25 Jul 2015 @ 1557 ie83d 3h 14m
03 May 2015 @ 1243 ie299d 20h 55m
07 Jul 2014 @ 1548 ie16y 288d 1h 18m
26 Sep 1997 @ 14303d 3h 35m
23 Sep 1997 @ 10554y 222d 21h 40m
13 Feb 1993 @ 12151y 153d 30m
14 Sep 1991 @ 12451m 36d 18h 15m
08 Aug 1991 @ 18307m 45s 7d 2h 17m
01 Aug 1991 @ 16133d 30m
29 Jul 1991 @ 1543 ie30d 5h 23m
29 Jun 1991 @ 10205m 41d 18h 50m
18 May 1991 @ 1530 maj285d 6h 35m
06 Aug 1990 @ 085519h 55m
05 Aug 1990 @ 130018d 45m
18 Jul 1990 @ 121512m 28d 21h 10m
19 Jun 1990 @ 15058d 30m
11 Jun 1990 @ 1435151d 22h 38m
10 Jan 1990 @ 1457197d 2h 44m
27 Jun 1989 @ 1313148d 23h 53m
29 Jan 1989 @ 1220 ie166d 1h 5m
16 Aug 1988 @ 12153m 4y 12d 22h 15m
04 Aug 1984 @ 1400 ie5m 12y 11d 4h 33m
27 Jul 1972 @ 09277d 34m
20 Jul 1972 @ 08535d 23h 37m
14 Jul 1972 @ 09167y 347d 17h 41m
02 Aug 1964 @ 1435

Interval Statistics

Interval Count32
Min19h 55m
Max16y 288d 1h 18m
Mean1y 294d 9h 52m
Median150d 11h 15m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
18322 09 Jul 2021 @ 1850 --- MAB Some really nice bursts or maybe a combination of wind and backlighting - - Branch Sp strong center boil and in overflow
4746 14 Jul 2002 @ 1329 --- research-mab 07/14/2002 Minute Geyser 1329 – was not visibly erupting over 5 mins. I heard the rumbling, then saw intermittent splashes – seemed lower, also.
4745 05 Jun 2002 @ 1400 --- research-mab Minute Geyser- during the 1:30 walk, Minute was NOT perpetually spouting. 15 minutes prior, Cory W.. passed it and it was spouting. Approx 2:00-2:15. DH
4718 05 Jul 1998 @ 1114 --- research-mab 7/5/98 Back Basin- Minute dry at 1114, Pool becoming more and more orange colored.
4719 04 Jun 1998 @ 1715 05 Jun 1998 @ 1600 research-mab 6/5 At 5:13p yesterday (6/4) I approached Minute. There was no water coming out the vent although you could hear water bubbling and see an occasional wisp of steam. The thick white sinter was very apparent around the vent and the grey geyserite spine rocks were dry. The “new pool” was less full and there was no overflow. It appeared that Minute had acted like a geyser instead of a perpetual spouter. After seeing Echinus at 615pm for 4min I returned to check on Minute. From a distance I could see a huge column of steam appearing to be an eruption. At 1830 Minute was erupting to about 4’ with the “new pool” overflowing. This continued until ?? since I left at 1849. This a.m. (6/5) at 820 am Minute was behavior like a weak spouter with the water barely breaking the surface and rising slowly to 2”-4”. Stand by The “Minute” Minute cont… At about 2p Minute was dry when Dave walked by. Around 4p erupting as a geyser. The pool was very full & overflowing.
5435 14 Sep 1996 @ 1800 --- research-mab 9/14/96 Minute Geyser has recovered and is back to what normal is for it these last years.
5434 11 Sep 1996 @ 1800 --- research-mab 9/11/96 Steam vent pressure at Minute Geyser has reduced. It is not spouting out much water vapor as before but does remain a steamvent. Resting for 5 sec. Then increases pressure for 15 sec. SB
5433 10 Sep 1996 @ 1800 --- research-mab 9/101996 Minute Geyser is now a steamvent erupting steam and fine spray to 40’! Sooo something happened between about 8pm last night and this afternoon!
5432 09 Sep 1996 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/09/1996 Minute Geyser was erupting to its usual 2’ or so but water was pooled into the “old vent” hole. I sure hope we’re open next year.
4707 29 Jun 1990 @ 1420 --- research-mab 6/29/90 At 1420 as I walked thru Back Basin Dog’s Leg was drained. Corporal had overflowed. Minute Geyser was not erupting. Veteran was making a lot of noise but not erupting
4703 11 Jun 1990 @ 1800 --- research-mab 6/11/1990 Minute Geyser seems to have taken over where Porkchop left off. Misty water eruption to about 8 feet – spraying water on the trail.
4700 09 Jul 1989 @ 1800 --- research-mab 7/9/1989 Minute Geyser is showing periodic activity. It was not erupting when first observed, then began its usual 1- 1 ½ foot burst which increased to a maximum of 3-4 ft. Water began overflowing & then the eruption ended. All this in about 5 minutes, slight steam phase.
7588 05 Feb 1989 @ 0000 05 Feb 1989 @ 2359 JSJ Minute Geyser active for ~2 minutes. No specific time recorded.
7646 05 Feb 1989 @ 1800 --- research-mab 2-05-89 Minute Geyser – active ~2m
7570 22 Jan 1989 @ 1800 --- research-mab 1-22-89 Minute Geyser – Dormant. Water up ~5-6cm from floor of vent as it was on 1-16-89.
7566 16 Jan 1989 @ 1800 --- research-mab 1-16-89 Minute Geyser – Dormant- at least for several hours. No splashing what-so-ever. I have never seen this state of inactivity before (since 1970). {generic afternoon time}
7612 11 Feb 1984 @ 1800 --- research-mab 02/11/1984 Minute Geyser – Continuous spouting 1-1.6m, black beaded sinter, around SE vent.
22232 10 Jul 1976 @ 1800 --- research-mab July 10 1976 no specific time noted New Feature between Monarch Geyser and Minute Geyser. The feature is east of the trail and as you face the runoff channel from Emerald Spring - - this new pool is to the right. Distance from trail is appropriately 30 feet. Water color is cloudy grey and it is hot.
10866 27 Sep 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/27/1975 BRANCH SPRING {generic time} Overflow was also occurring periodically in circular spring next to Minute Geyser. The several intervals observed were ~ 2 min duration of filling (~20 sec), overflowing and draining (down about 3”). There was ~45 sec of quiescence between these periods of activity. However, there was some fluctuation of the durations of each section of activity.
5645 21 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/21/1975 Minute Geyser – same charcoal gray material scattered about its runoff area. But not nearly as widespread as it was after the June 30th quake. Algal mat still present. No change in its activity, but nearby vent has more bubbles rising to surface.
5639 20 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/20/1975 Minute- algae mat growing thicker all the time.
5623 01 Aug 1975 @ 1645 --- research-mab 08/01/1975 Minute Geyser in a very dry phase at 1645
5616 21 Jul 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/21/1975 Minute pouring out large quantities of water. Less active vent of Minute geyser has become totally clear & the green algae are returning.
6196 01 Oct 1973 @ 1130 --- research-mab 10/01/1973 1130 ish The larger (inactive) vent at Minute Geyser continues to give off more water as is indicated by greater prevalence of algae.
6141 13 Sep 1973 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/13/1973 Green color algae very noticeable near Minute and is starting to appear in runoff channel to the east as well as the west side.
6311 14 May 1972 @ 1800 --- research-mab 05/14/1972 The following geysers have been seen erupting since I arrived last night: Ledge 6-10’, Iris 2-3’, Little Whirligig 15’, Basin 1’-2’, Fan 4’-5’, Bear Den, Feisty, Fireball 2-3’, Minute 1’-2’, Blue 7-15’, Africa 25-35’, Vixen 7’-15’, Dr Morey’s Porkchop 3’-5’, Echinus 10’-40’, Steamboat 5-20’
10803 01 Jul 1933 @ 0000 --- research-mab Report for June 1933: Minute Man Geyser – eruptions possibly 15 per day lasting 15 minutes and consisting of spurts 25-50 ft high and spaced 30-45 seconds
10812 19 Sep 1931 @ 0000 --- research-mab Minute Man Geyser Sept. 1-19 Few and irregular eruptions. Height- 30 ft. Duration – about 4 min.
10819 31 Aug 1931 @ 0000 --- research-mab August 1931 Report: Minute Man Geyser Aug. 1-31 Plays several time per day at irregular intervals 4 min.
10824 01 Aug 1931 @ 0000 --- research-mab July 25-31 1931 Report: Minute Man Geyser (July 25-31) No eruptions observed. Slight steaming.
No attachments for this geyser.
Baseline does not exist.