Last Known Eruption
21y 363d 3h 16m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
03 Aug 2002 @ 142817m
03 Aug 2002 @ 141113m 16m
03 Aug 2002 @ 135513m 16m
03 Aug 2002 @ 133914m 9m
03 Aug 2002 @ 1330 ie

Interval Statistics

Interval Count4

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
22317 04 Jul 2022 @ 1436 --- cb pool has dropped 1' since last observation. yellowish with a blooping boil at the end of the pool toward Echinus.
22208 29 Jun 2022 @ 1359 --- cb pool level has dropped ~4" to just behind the sign log. Edges still are covered in sulfur dust. color yellowish green. bubbling on the east end of the pool.
22116 25 Jun 2022 @ 1129 --- cb water level is basicly the same as last observation except it has more yellowy sulfur dust accumulated along the edges of the pool. 2 areas with a small boil breaking the surface.
22092 23 Jun 2022 @ 1816 --- cb Mystic and Mud springs are at the high water mark! Mystic water is past the sign, yellowish in color with a small boil on east edge
21606 31 May 2022 @ 1450 --- cb pool level is HIGH! Water fro the pool surrounds the name placard. water is clear with a sulfur dust along the edge of the vent. 2 very slight areas with convection, no boil.
21328 16 May 2022 @ 1110 --- Tara Green color, looks like a lot of yellow on sides of crater. Water level high enough that the bottom of the name sign is submerged, maybe 6-8" above inner rim.
21011 18 Apr 2022 @ 1719 --- MAB Full. Clear greenish water w yellow edges
20299 04 Nov 2021 @ 1226 --- MAB yellowish edges with blue green middle - higher water - line of bubbles across the pool in 4 spots w the most action on the Northish end
20055 19 Oct 2021 @ 1440 --- cb pool is VERY high with a roiling boil on the East end of the pool. color is blue/green
19898 05 Oct 2021 @ 1201 --- MAB higher water - bloopy east side boil - light center boil and occasional bloop from under a ledge on south side
19809 30 Sep 2021 @ 1233 --- cb pool is up higher than last observed. Up to the tip of the protruding rock on the east edge of the pool with a small boil right next to it. pool is a cloudy light blue green color.
19698 23 Sep 2021 @ 1020 --- cb no change
19606 16 Sep 2021 @ 1029 --- cb Water level is ~10" below the high water mark. Pool is a gray color with a 3" blooping boil on the south end.
19370 08 Sep 2021 @ 1130 --- Tara Down ~2.5', yellowish murky water, light bubbling in front right corner
18781 01 Aug 2021 @ 1012 --- cb pool is higher by a few inches, yellowy green in color with a boil in the side toward Tantalus
18739 30 Jul 2021 @ 0730 --- ypcaribou Section of dead, red needled trees just past Mystic Spring on left (walking clockwise around loop). Don't recall seeing this in fall of 2020.
18505 18 Jul 2021 @ 1047 --- cb Mystic, Mud & Yellow Spring pools are also much lower than previously viewed.
18370 11 Jul 2021 @ 1442 --- cb no change from last observation.
18282 05 Jul 2021 @ 1453 --- cb Mystic Spring, Mud & Yellow mud all look the same as last observed on 6/29. Yellow mud might be a tad lower. No longer any spray from Puff & Stuff geyser.
18185 29 Jun 2021 @ 1321 --- cb same level. yellowish green with a vigorous boil on the edge toward Echinus.
17575 08 Jun 2021 @ 1110 --- cb pool up a bit from last observation. Vigorous boil on east edge. yellow in color
17278 30 May 2021 @ 1551 --- cb pool up slightly (a few inches) higher than the 6th. It's a sulfury yellow green color with a vigorous boil on the east and south side of the pool
16394 10 Oct 2020 @ 1018 --- cb same as last observation. Yellowish with a few random bubbles breaking the surface.
16341 06 Oct 2020 @ 1220 --- cb Water level is covering the shelf on the south east edge by ~2-3" of yellowish/green, clear water and occasional bubbles break the surface in this area.
16272 26 Sep 2020 @ 1629 --- cb Mystics pool is high. 3" of water covers the shelf inside the pool on the south end of the pool. It is yellowish green, calm with occasional dime to quarter sized bubbles breaking the surface.
15548 13 Aug 2020 @ 1026 --- cb pool is covering the shelf on the NE edge with about 4" of water and has a few random bubbles breaking the surface. color is yellowish green. pool is calm
15658 03 Aug 2020 @ 1055 --- Tara With Steamboat in steam phase, Mystic Spring was down about 18" from the log on the west side and had slightly murky green-blue water.
14526 03 Jun 2020 @ 1340 --- cb Pool is low, calm and has that sulfer yellow color at the edges to about 1' down into the pool and then deeper into the vent it becomes greenish.
14502 01 Jun 2020 @ 1803 --- ypcaribou Clear, emerald blue
13927 12 Oct 2019 @ 1230 --- cb water level is up to the sand on rhe west end of the pool. It is clear, greenish in color & no bubbles.
13890 05 Oct 2019 @ 1210 --- cb pool is high, clear and occasional bubbles.
13756 19 Sep 2019 @ 1220 --- cb light emerald green in color. Occasional bubbles on the east and west end of the pool.
13254 14 Aug 2019 @ 1619 --- cb unchanged. ~2' below rim. greenish yellow with a boil on the east end of the pool.
13125 09 Aug 2019 @ 0834 --- cb pool is low. water is just covering the rock outcropping/shelf of the NE rim. color is a cloudy greenish yellow. **Mud spring is very low! Down ~ 2.5' from the rim (not overflow). Pool is calm and cloudy greenish in color. ** Blue Mud Steam Vent water level is low. Splashing water is barely visable deep in the vent.
12995 03 Aug 2019 @ 0835 --- cb yellowish green in color. 3 areas that have bubblers breaking the surface.
12969 02 Aug 2019 @ 0936 --- MAB green yellow in color with fairly active bubbles
12889 31 Jul 2019 @ 0854 --- cb light yellowish green in color and has a small roiling boil on the south end
11022 20 Apr 2019 @ 1033 --- MAB Low water, appeared slightly cloudy but could have been steam.
9833 22 Aug 2018 @ 1835 --- cb high (up to the log debris) and a yellow/greenish color.
9130 11 Jul 2018 @ 0920 --- Tara Down about 18" and burbling to a gee inches.
20472 07 Oct 2015 @ 1200 --- research-mab 10/7/2015 – Water/liquid back up for Mystic & Crater Yellow Funnel and Blue Mud still low. [generic day time]
20469 05 Oct 2015 @ 1200 --- research-mab 10/05/2015 Mystic, Green dragon, Crater & Yellow Funnel all MUCH lower liquid Blue Mud so low it sounds hollow as it bubbles deep. [generic day time]
20587 03 Aug 2002 @ 1329 --- research-mab 08/03/2002 WMoats listserv report: This is the first time that I've seen this pool erupt. It erupted from the northeastern side of the pool as short bursts a maximum of 3 ft high and three feet wide. The central and southwestern sides of the pool boiled, but there was no bursting activity from these parts of the pool. Eruptions started with strong boiling and 0.5 ft splashes that would build over several minutes into 2 ft bursts, with occasional 3 ft bursts. At their peak, the eruptions would last about a minute, then the eruptions would decline quickly.
6041 23 Jul 1973 @ 1800 --- research-mab 07/23/1973 Mystic Spring muddy – also Milky Complex, Basin Geyser
20377 09 Sep 1972 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/09/1972 Mud Spring & “Yellow Green Pool” [Mystic] to the east have started to refill. [generic day time]
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