Last Known Eruption
9y 352d 2h 32m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
23 Sep 2014 @ 1500 ie2h 58m
23 Sep 2014 @ 12025m
23 Sep 2014 @ 11571h 2m
23 Sep 2014 @ 1055 A1h 25m
23 Sep 2014 @ 0930 A12y 66d 20h 59m
21 Jul 2002 @ 1231 ie2y 322d 20h 47m
02 Sep 1999 @ 1544 ini5590d 4h 40m
04 Jun 1999 @ 1104 ini41258d 11h 4m
19 Sep 1998 @ 0000 A3d 8h 55m
15 Sep 1998 @ 1505 ie>40m 3d 23h 28m
11 Sep 1998 @ 15374d 3h 37m
07 Sep 1998 @ 1200 A2d 12h 0m
05 Sep 1998 @ 0000 A2d 12h 32m
02 Sep 1998 @ 1128 ie4d 17h 13m
28 Aug 1998 @ 1815 ie3d 14m
25 Aug 1998 @ 180115d 23h 31m
09 Aug 1998 @ 1830 A312d 4h 38m
01 Oct 1997 @ 1352 ie117d 52m
06 Jun 1997 @ 1300 A254d 13h 0m
25 Sep 1996 @ 0000 A4d 5h 0m
20 Sep 1996 @ 1900 A5d 19h 0m
15 Sep 1996 @ 0000 A16d 0m
30 Aug 1996 @ 0000 A8d 0m
22 Aug 1996 @ 0000 A14d 0m
08 Aug 1996 @ 0000 A320d 0m
23 Sep 1995 @ 0000 A23d 0m
31 Aug 1995 @ 0000 A4d 0m
27 Aug 1995 @ 0000 A4d 10h 0m
22 Aug 1995 @ 1400 A322d 2h 30m
04 Oct 1994 @ 1130 A8d 22h 51m
25 Sep 1994 @ 123924m 2d 22h 59m
22 Sep 1994 @ 13403d 22m
19 Sep 1994 @ 131851m 24d 5h 33m
26 Aug 1994 @ 0745 A26d 1h 45m
31 Jul 1994 @ 0600 A3d 21h 0m
27 Jul 1994 @ 0900 A10d 12h 42m
16 Jul 1994 @ 2018 ie>1m 17d 9h 21m
29 Jun 1994 @ 10573m
29 Jun 1994 @ 105473d 19h 14m
16 Apr 1994 @ 1540 A240d 21h 40m
18 Aug 1993 @ 1800 A11d 6h 30m
07 Aug 1993 @ 1130 A5d 21h 30m
01 Aug 1993 @ 1400 A8d 8h 0m
24 Jul 1993 @ 0600 A22d 18h 0m
01 Jul 1993 @ 1200 A28d 21h 30m
02 Jun 1993 @ 1430 A maj1d 14h 30m
01 Jun 1993 @ 0000 A19d 10h 30m
12 May 1993 @ 1330 A20d 23h 36m
21 Apr 1993 @ 1354 ie>8m 62d 12h 54m
18 Feb 1993 @ 0000 ? A5d 20h 0m
12 Feb 1993 @ 0400 A3d 16h 0m
08 Feb 1993 @ 1200 A

Interval Statistics

Interval Count51
Max12y 66d 20h 59m
Mean154d 20h 16m
Median8d 22h 51m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
6290 12 Sep 2017 @ 0730 --- TSBryan possibly active. surrounding platform wet, including raised places, and numerous puddles all around.
2514 10 Oct 2015 @ 0836 --- Janet Jones Water at about half. A visitor said it was "way up" from yesterday.
1500 06 Jan 2015 @ 0800 06 Jan 2015 @ 1700 MAB Guides reported Opal dark and murky on Jan 6 - no further information yet
1494 26 Dec 2014 @ 1000 --- ACarlson A guide reported that Opal Pool is empty.
1426 27 Sep 2014 @ 1030 --- meide Opel pool was full and overflowing at 1030.  It was cold also, no steam on a cold and rainy day.
1421 25 Sep 2014 @ 0800 --- udo Opal continues to fill. Water level at 0800 was over a foot higher than yesterday at about 1700.
1417 24 Sep 2014 @ 1123 --- udo Water IS visible as of 1123 24 September 2014
1245 23 Sep 2014 @ 1642 --- udo Drained.
1065 06 May 2014 @ 1915 --- WillBoekel ~1915 drained
16729 28 Sep 1998 @ 1614 --- JarnoO marker in place
15883 17 Oct 1997 @ 1330 --- JarnoO marker in place
15881 11 Oct 1997 @ 1425 --- JarnoO marker in place
15310 21 Oct 1996 @ 1200 --- JarnoO {generic time}; marker in place
15284 09 Sep 1996 @ 1330 --- JarnoO 1' below overflow
14306 24 May 1995 @ 0000 24 May 1995 @ 2359 JarnoO down 1 to 2 feet
14263 07 Jan 1995 @ 0000 07 Jan 1995 @ 2359 JarnoO dormant
12309 01 Sep 1993 @ 1455 --- JarnoO still marked
12149 11 Feb 1993 @ 0830 --- JarnoO marks present
12145 09 Feb 1993 @ 1600 --- JarnoO mark present; Opal low and turbid and stinking; runoff channels cut through snow
12144 09 Feb 1993 @ 0900 --- JarnoO marked
7656 18 Jul 1979 @ 1800 --- research-mab 7-18-79 Opal Pool (?) having eruptions every 1-3 days.
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Baseline does not exist.