Last Known Eruption
2y 27d 6h 1m ago

Interval Statistics

Interval Count15
Min8h 51m
Max216d 20h 57m
Mean42d 15h 51m
Median8d 22h 34m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
22362 06 Jul 2022 @ 1316 --- cb low. platform dry, water barely visable with a rocking motion
22325 04 Jul 2022 @ 1540 --- cb pool low, some visable water palpitating up and down, some steam. channel/platform dry
22267 01 Jul 2022 @ 1910 --- MAB drained w a tad of visible water - surrounding channels moist
22272 01 Jul 2022 @ 1350 --- MAB Caught it filling! Didnt stay but it wasn't like those 2021 30sec deals
22215 29 Jun 2022 @ 1430 --- cb water low in the crater
22158 27 Jun 2022 @ 1836 --- MAB Up full & palpitating channels wet in 3 directions - moist to SE
22161 27 Jun 2022 @ 1230 --- MAB Dry - all channels dry
21701 03 Jun 2022 @ 1926 --- MAB full and palpitating - wet in all directions
21703 03 Jun 2022 @ 1213 --- MAB Up and palpitating
21622 31 May 2022 @ 1130 --- novakg Waves and pushes. Not much else.
21582 30 May 2022 @ 1033 --- novakg Waves and splashing
21442 23 May 2022 @ 1843 --- MAB full palp'ing w nice waves
21443 23 May 2022 @ 1555 --- MAB still ovfl west etc - not much wetter to east or south - good little waves tho
21451 23 May 2022 @ 1304 --- MAB full - palping - lots water to west - a little to south - small wet areas to east
21341 17 May 2022 @ 0847 --- mhreed Palpitating.
21293 15 May 2022 @ 1920 --- MAB full and palp'ing - nice waves visible in evening light
21296 15 May 2022 @ 1302 --- MAB full palping wet to west and about a foot to east
21236 11 May 2022 @ 1924 --- MAB full with good waves - more water out the east side
21240 11 May 2022 @ 1253 --- MAB full - wet to the west - damp on east
21198 06 May 2022 @ 1929 --- MAB full w bigger waves and palpitations than earlier - a little outwash inching east
21200 06 May 2022 @ 1314 --- MAB nearly full- 1-2in below rim - palpitating- ovfl to west
21095 26 Apr 2022 @ 1611 --- MAB not to the very top but full and palping
21097 26 Apr 2022 @ 1304 --- MAB full just below rim top - palping - very windy
21020 18 Apr 2022 @ 1610 --- MAB full and palpitating still or again
21023 18 Apr 2022 @ 1308 --- MAB full and palping - in ovfl to west / Moonlight to SE appears dry and quiet still hot though
20325 06 Nov 2021 @ 1606 --- MAB full - water in back channels - everything wet due to snow so no clue about the east side
20327 06 Nov 2021 @ 1207 --- MAB still palping
20330 06 Nov 2021 @ 1113 --- MAB light bulging - still wet to west
20333 06 Nov 2021 @ 0818 --- MAB Full - wet in all directions
20294 04 Nov 2021 @ 1635 --- MAB full and palping - wet in all directions
20298 04 Nov 2021 @ 1256 --- MAB Apparently just draining - water barely visible and wobbling - then after return from Fearless water all gone
20304 04 Nov 2021 @ 1138 --- MAB up and palp'ing - about 2in below edge of scallops - still in ovfl out the back in 2 places
20307 04 Nov 2021 @ 0840 --- MAB full and palpitating - runoff in all directions including some to east and SE
20244 31 Oct 2021 @ 1704 --- MAB Palpitating
20247 31 Oct 2021 @ 1244 --- MAB still palp'ing
20251 31 Oct 2021 @ 1107 --- MAB came back to escape the wind and saw two nice bursts! one 2.5 ft fan shape the other more pointy
20253 31 Oct 2021 @ 1102 --- MAB full with nice bulges and tiny bloops
20256 31 Oct 2021 @ 0845 --- MAB empty
20197 29 Oct 2021 @ 1630 --- MAB full palp'ing
20199 29 Oct 2021 @ 1209 --- MAB empty w faint steam - near channels dry - far channels a little wet
20200 29 Oct 2021 @ 0900 --- MAB full and palp'ing - sizzle heard at Moonlight SE of Palp
20167 28 Oct 2021 @ 1706 --- MAB Still full - nice flat light to see palpitations
20171 28 Oct 2021 @ 1530 --- MAB Full and palpitating - didn't stay to watch for larger splishes
20142 27 Oct 2021 @ 1207 --- cb empty but steamy
20121 25 Oct 2021 @ 1320 --- cb high, overflowing and palpitating nicely
20104 24 Oct 2021 @ 1739 --- MAB steam at 1st sighting then water barely visible palpitating its way along - left it@1742 maybe a third full
20106 24 Oct 2021 @ 1604 --- MAB empty no steam
20107 24 Oct 2021 @ 1251 24 Oct 2021 @ 1301 MAB Full and palp'ing - some nice bursts in 10m watching - one 2 foot airy fan-shaped burst {Moonlight Complex to SE had light audible boil noises}
20111 24 Oct 2021 @ 0933 --- MAB empty w steam {noticed today Moonlight Complex to the SE were quiet no fry pan or boil noises - Friday they were quite noisy - with fresh snow and more moisture that's interesting}
20084 22 Oct 2021 @ 1732 --- MAB empty with steam
20086 22 Oct 2021 @ 1514 --- MAB full and palpitating - with overflow
20090 22 Oct 2021 @ 0903 --- MAB Dry with steam - channels behind are wet
20047 19 Oct 2021 @ 1315 --- cb Is in good overflow & palpitating nicely with bubble occationally breaking the surface
20019 17 Oct 2021 @ 1722 --- MAB Full w overflow - palpitating with Nice bulges
20026 17 Oct 2021 @ 0915 --- MAB Full with large bloops - much overflow
19949 10 Oct 2021 @ 1656 --- MAB Full and lightly palpitating
19953 10 Oct 2021 @ 0927 --- MAB full and palpitating
19872 03 Oct 2021 @ 1048 --- ypcaribou Rose to 1/2 full, continued rising, overflowed about 1107. Remained in overflow until at least 1320 when we left the area. Was palpitating & doing regular splashes this entire time.
19871 03 Oct 2021 @ 0927 --- ypcaribou Empty until 1047.
19870 03 Oct 2021 @ 0911 --- ypcaribou Rose quickly to half full & was palpitating. 0915 began dropping from a non-overflow level and was empty by 0927.
19869 03 Oct 2021 @ 0840 --- ypcaribou Empty and steaming until 0910. Runoff area wet.
19835 01 Oct 2021 @ 0915 --- MAB too steamy to see but there was WATER IN THE CHANNELS to west - huge change!!
19612 16 Sep 2021 @ 1135 --- cb empty
19541 13 Sep 2021 @ 1514 13 Sep 2021 @ 1518 CrisG crater empty at 1514, water einto crater at 1515:19. wobbling water, no blipping observed. Fearless water approx 2" below top of black rim with usual boil.
19528 13 Sep 2021 @ 1027 --- cb active. Pulsing with nice waves. pool is ~6" below the rim of the crater.
19383 08 Sep 2021 @ 1228 --- CrisG empty crater. Fearless is just below the top of the black rim with a usual boil.
19381 07 Sep 2021 @ 1731 --- CrisG low water, rocking of the pool. Fearless full to top of black rim with typical boil
19226 01 Sep 2021 @ 1629 --- MAB steamy- water briefly visible wobbling low in the crater before palpitating out of sight - channels dry - same scenario at 1925
18995 22 Aug 2021 @ 1916 --- MAB dry with steam - hot ground SW near boardwalk all sputtering- maybe from rains of late
18830 04 Aug 2021 @ 0856 --- MAB dry w steam - did not stay to see if water would rise
18786 01 Aug 2021 @ 1109 --- cb low pool palpitations. 1' below the rim. Drained at 1010
18737 30 Jul 2021 @ 0815 --- ypcaribou Empty & dry
18365 11 Jul 2021 @ 1551 --- cb empty
18323 09 Jul 2021 @ 1846 --- MAB water just visible to someone my height or taller for ~30s before disappearing
18333 09 Jul 2021 @ 0846 --- MAB dry with steam - west channels *may* be damp at least the soils around them were darker
18277 05 Jul 2021 @ 1529 --- cb empty, with steam
18256 03 Jul 2021 @ 1841 --- MAB Water came up, wobbled and disappeared as fast as it was seen
18260 03 Jul 2021 @ 0850 --- MAB Dry w steam - all channels all directions are dry
18151 28 Jun 2021 @ 1944 --- MAB At first glance, empty with steam Then visible water at 1944:20 rising just enough to see it, then palpitating out of sight 1944:52
18157 28 Jun 2021 @ 0836 --- MAB dry with steam - west channels dry
18088 25 Jun 2021 @ 1941 --- MAB empty with steam
17964 21 Jun 2021 @ 1432 --- CrisG Spring approx half full and palpitating, but no splashing. Fearless full to the inner part of black rim
17923 19 Jun 2021 @ 1903 --- MAB 1903 water observed so I started stopwatch: dropped @51s - still dropped@ 1:44 at 3m12s water visible and at 3:40 it palpitated out of sight
17929 19 Jun 2021 @ 0901 --- MAB one-third full - drained at 0902 - too steamy to see blurps or palpitating
17876 17 Jun 2021 @ 1412 --- CrisG no pooling of water noted, but a couple of splashes were noted above top of crater. no change in Fearless since last note.
17875 17 Jun 2021 @ 1138 --- CrisG empty. Fearless approx 6" below the black ring with approx 1ft boil.
17865 16 Jun 2021 @ 1527 --- CrisG empty. Fearless with more vigorous boiling.
17864 16 Jun 2021 @ 1227 --- CrisG spring nearly full to rim, palpitating, no splashing noted. Fearless boiling to about 1ft.
17804 15 Jun 2021 @ 1106 --- cb empty with a wet water ring in the vent.
17797 14 Jun 2021 @ 0903 --- MAB steamy on an already hot morning - all channels dry
17720 12 Jun 2021 @ 1846 --- MAB empty steamy @ 1844 - rising water 1845:05 for 1m44s then dropped - water never got out of the deep part of the crater into the shallower edges
17729 12 Jun 2021 @ 0903 --- MAB small bulging splash seen from low in the crater - otherwise no water visible- all channels dry
17455 04 Jun 2021 @ 1633 04 Jun 2021 @ 1700 MAB assumed filling at first sighting but dropped out of sight 1634 - at 1700 water visible to someone my height ~5'8" - dropped out of sight within seconds - a closed interval of . . . something
17458 04 Jun 2021 @ 1458 04 Jun 2021 @ 1502 MAB Empty when first seen - then started filling with palpitating and 1 small burst- then dropped out of sight- never filled more than halfway
17460 04 Jun 2021 @ 0925 --- MAB dry w steam
17357 01 Jun 2021 @ 2051 --- MAB half full lit with brilliant sunset color- as quick as I wrote it down it drained out of sight - could be called IE Near End but I don't know how fast it drains when it quits- will learn that- channels to the west all wet
17348 01 Jun 2021 @ 0908 --- MAB empty with steam
17273 30 May 2021 @ 1631 --- cb empty
17024 09 May 2021 @ 1300 --- cb empty
16971 30 Apr 2021 @ 0923 --- MAB Up and palpitating - Fearless down a foot- didn't notice a boil
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