Last Known Eruption
2y 19d 12h 0m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
08 Jul 2022 @ 06294d 20h 18m
03 Jul 2022 @ 1011 ie3d 14h 12m
29 Jun 2022 @ 1959 ie10h 2m
29 Jun 2022 @ 09574d 18h 29m
24 Jun 2022 @ 1528 ie5d 22h 39m
18 Jun 2022 @ 1649 ie1d 7h 3m
17 Jun 2022 @ 094610d 18h 1m
06 Jun 2022 @ 15453d 21h 31m
02 Jun 2022 @ 1814 ie2d 28m
31 May 2022 @ 17461d 22h 24m
29 May 2022 @ 19222d 20m
27 May 2022 @ 1902 ie8d 12h 30m
19 May 2022 @ 0632 ie1d 22h 59m
17 May 2022 @ 0733 ie8d 15h 57m
08 May 2022 @ 1536 ie1d 18h 59m
06 May 2022 @ 203714d 1h 35m
22 Apr 2022 @ 1902 ie49d 1h 35m
04 Mar 2022 @ 1627 ie3 burst2h 27m
04 Mar 2022 @ 1400 ie40d 20h 33m
22 Jan 2022 @ 1727 ini9d 1h 56m
13 Jan 2022 @ 153182d 6h 3m
23 Oct 2021 @ 10285d 15m
18 Oct 2021 @ 1013 ie9d 22h 8m
08 Oct 2021 @ 1205 ie1d 22h 8m
06 Oct 2021 @ 13575h 12m
06 Oct 2021 @ 0845 ns8d 20h 28m
27 Sep 2021 @ 121717h 55m
26 Sep 2021 @ 18228d 4h 17m
18 Sep 2021 @ 14053d 7h 5m
15 Sep 2021 @ 0700 ie1d 13h 27m
13 Sep 2021 @ 17337h 0m
13 Sep 2021 @ 1033 ie1d 18h 4m
11 Sep 2021 @ 16293d 22h 28m
07 Sep 2021 @ 1801 ie2h 9m
07 Sep 2021 @ 15522d 1h 22m
05 Sep 2021 @ 1430 ie4d 17h 8m
31 Aug 2021 @ 2122 ie12h 0m
31 Aug 2021 @ 09223d 18h 12m
27 Aug 2021 @ 1510>3h 5m 4d 8h 50m
23 Aug 2021 @ 0620 ie18h 25m
22 Aug 2021 @ 11552h 16m 3d 2h 17m
19 Aug 2021 @ 0938 ns2d 22h 6m
16 Aug 2021 @ 1132 ns5h 38m
16 Aug 2021 @ 0554 ie8d 13h 47m
07 Aug 2021 @ 1607 ie2d 10h 19m
05 Aug 2021 @ 0548 ie10h 22m
04 Aug 2021 @ 1926 ie4h 48m
04 Aug 2021 @ 1438 ie11d 2h 15m
24 Jul 2021 @ 12231h 57m 1d 15h 18m
22 Jul 2021 @ 21051d 7h 48m
21 Jul 2021 @ 13171h 3m 7h 2m
21 Jul 2021 @ 0615 ie>53m 11h 5m
20 Jul 2021 @ 1910>1h 40m 1d 4h 52m
19 Jul 2021 @ 141815m 3d 21h 23m
15 Jul 2021 @ 16552d 9h 55m
13 Jul 2021 @ 0700 ie3d 12h 46m
09 Jul 2021 @ 1814 ie23h 45m
08 Jul 2021 @ 1829 ie5h 30m
08 Jul 2021 @ 1259 ie6d 16h 29m
01 Jul 2021 @ 2030 ie3d 5h 51m
28 Jun 2021 @ 14392d 19h 40m
25 Jun 2021 @ 1859 ie3d 3h 39m
22 Jun 2021 @ 1520 ie4h 26m
22 Jun 2021 @ 10541d 21h 54m
20 Jun 2021 @ 13001d 4h 55m
19 Jun 2021 @ 0805 ie13h 17m
18 Jun 2021 @ 18485h 6m
18 Jun 2021 @ 1342 ie7h 54m
18 Jun 2021 @ 0548 ie7d 21h 39m
10 Jun 2021 @ 08092d 13h 58m
07 Jun 2021 @ 18111d 9h 0m
06 Jun 2021 @ 091116h 13m
05 Jun 2021 @ 16583d 13m
02 Jun 2021 @ 1645 ie1d 21h 0m
31 May 2021 @ 1945 ie>1h 28m 14d 4h 37m
17 May 2021 @ 1508 ie22d 2h 38m
25 Apr 2021 @ 1230 ie2d 20h 7m
22 Apr 2021 @ 162345m 1d 2h 40m
21 Apr 2021 @ 1343 ie wc>10m 165d 4h 25m
07 Nov 2020 @ 08180:0913d 23h 32m
24 Oct 2020 @ 0946 ie10d 2h 51m
14 Oct 2020 @ 0655 ie23h 11m
13 Oct 2020 @ 0744 ie2d 14h 21m
10 Oct 2020 @ 1723 ie4d 13m
06 Oct 2020 @ 1710 ie2d 9h 15m
04 Oct 2020 @ 0755 ie2d 17h 1m
01 Oct 2020 @ 14547d 7h 54m
24 Sep 2020 @ 0700 ie3d 23h 49m
20 Sep 2020 @ 0711 ie1d 18h 12m
18 Sep 2020 @ 125918h 3m
17 Sep 2020 @ 185610h 25m
17 Sep 2020 @ 08314d 51m
13 Sep 2020 @ 0740 ie5d 23h 53m
07 Sep 2020 @ 0747 ie21h 28m
06 Sep 2020 @ 101915h 1m
05 Sep 2020 @ 19186d 2h 23m
30 Aug 2020 @ 1655 ie1d 9h 39m
29 Aug 2020 @ 0716 ie>3h 58m 1d 17h 30m
27 Aug 2020 @ 13463h 32m 6h 12m
27 Aug 2020 @ 0734 ie1d 14h 7m

Interval Statistics

Interval Count100
Min2h 9m
Max165d 4h 25m
Mean6d 19h 34m
Median2d 10h 7m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
21910 10 Jun 2022 @ 2131 --- Forestbewithyou Below overflow and calm
21720 04 Jun 2022 @ 1109 --- Detour66 Water level approximately 3 feet lower then previous observation, no vent activity.
21716 04 Jun 2022 @ 0947 --- Detour66 Bubbling from one vent, and slowly filling at 09:47
21552 28 May 2022 @ 1145 --- Graham Full with strong single boil. No change by 1353.
21312 16 May 2022 @ 1124 --- Brando Since the last observation, spa has dropped ~2 feet and no more bubbling
21309 16 May 2022 @ 1048 --- Brando Pool nearly full and boiling from left vent
19910 06 Oct 2021 @ 1001 --- Darcie NO visible water at all
19490 11 Sep 2021 @ 1909 --- Graham still ie at this time.
19479 11 Sep 2021 @ 1610 --- User34 Three points of boiling and about to start overflowing
18677 27 Jul 2021 @ 0346 --- Kyle full and overflowing. rail and adjacent bike path are wet
17856 16 Jun 2021 @ 1925 16 Jun 2021 @ 1956 CrisG water rising post Grotto. Boiling from up to 2 vents. Vents stopped just as overflow was starting at 1954. Pool now dropping..
17679 11 Jun 2021 @ 0845 --- TheHikingDude Spa was 2 feet below overflow. No boils or bubbling. Just as quiet as the Grotto platform
17542 07 Jun 2021 @ 2058 --- Craigmon99 Off and low
17499 06 Jun 2021 @ 0640 --- CraigC low pool, North vent boiling vigorously, small bubbling from southern most vent. 649 boiling began on middle vent
17480 05 Jun 2021 @ 1653 --- CraigC start of overflow
17471 05 Jun 2021 @ 0934 --- CraigC went into overflow
17432 04 Jun 2021 @ 1227 --- CraigC in overflow
16908 22 Apr 2021 @ 1621 --- Micah Kipple All three vents have turned on. Just waiting for the first burst.
16435 15 Oct 2020 @ 1840 15 Oct 2020 @ 1915 William pool level barely within view. viewed at 18:40 and then again at 19:15.
16263 26 Sep 2020 @ 1504 --- Ajw pool full with mild bubbling in center.
16249 24 Sep 2020 @ 1905 --- William water level barely visible in crater, runoff area contains water in a few areas
16205 20 Sep 2020 @ 1115 --- William starting to boil from NV and rise from about 2' below inner rim
16172 18 Sep 2020 @ 1042 --- CraigC rising, about 2 feet below inner rim, strong boiling from north vent
16163 18 Sep 2020 @ 0738 --- CraigC as empty as I have ever observed, could not see the water level
16084 12 Sep 2020 @ 1106 --- TheHikingDude Pool full. gently boiling
16055 11 Sep 2020 @ 1007 --- CraigC full pool, boiling in north vent. 1020 small boil from south
13045 05 Aug 2019 @ 1737 --- KarlH Water is up approx 3 hours into Grotto eruption.
12103 04 Jul 2019 @ 0855 04 Jul 2019 @ 0900 Detour66 Spa is overflowing, left and center vents active.
11673 09 Jun 2019 @ 1318 --- User34 In overflow, boiling from all three vents
11537 03 Jun 2019 @ 0604 --- Kyle runoff channel is wet and water is pooled in sinter around the crater
11132 29 Apr 2019 @ 1516 --- Polly Spa up with strong bubbling from 2 vents and tiny intermittent bubbles from the third
10928 27 Jan 2019 @ 0845 --- Graham Full and blooping
10546 04 Oct 2018 @ 0827 --- William Water level high with two consistent areas of 2’ diameter boil in the center of pool.
10484 27 Sep 2018 @ 1904 --- Tara Overflowing and boiling from both vents.
10060 06 Sep 2018 @ 0917 --- Micah Kipple Rapidly filling with a constant boil in the left vent. Possible startup sequence.
9722 15 Aug 2018 @ 0820 --- c.barwin full and close to overflowing
9674 12 Aug 2018 @ 1004 --- Tom C. Spa was in overflow from 1004 through Grotto start (1019). Boiling in left vent only during this period.
8817 19 Jun 2018 @ 0945 --- Polly Spa full with one very small boil.
8968 08 Jun 2018 @ 1331 --- Polly Spa overflowing
8528 07 Jun 2018 @ 1600 --- Polly Spa filling quickly.
8232 18 May 2018 @ 2040 --- Tara Full and bubbling, recently started overflowing.
8156 11 May 2018 @ 1120 11 May 2018 @ 1126 Tara Rising slowly with frequent heavy bubbling.
8148 10 May 2018 @ 1910 10 May 2018 @ 1935 Tara Was overflowing and boiling at 1910; after Rocket, water was very calm and about 2 feet down with the level gradually dropping.
6365 14 Sep 2017 @ 0706 --- Graham Overflowing.
6253 10 Sep 2017 @ 0950 --- Polly Puddles around edges. Left Vent bubbly with some small burts.
4556 27 Jul 2017 @ 1335 27 Jul 2017 @ 1347 S.Glasser filling with decent boils from left vent, no chasms in water level in 10m
4086 12 May 2017 @ 1720 --- mhreed Low pool and boiling heavily from left vent. No right vent.
4019 29 Apr 2017 @ 1010 --- RMichaels In overflow (grotto off since ~0730).
2947 02 Jun 2016 @ 1449 --- BobInSLC empty but wet runoff channels
2813 04 May 2016 @ 1058 --- udo Post eruptive at 1058. Runoff channel wet, water level low. Water was high approx 0930.
2750 17 Apr 2016 @ 1700 --- RMichaels Spa was overflowing and had several widely spaced foot-high bubbles, but didn't progress to an actual eruption.
976 25 Jun 2008 @ 0000 25 Jun 2008 @ 2359 BoekelUpload ie most of day
853 03 Jul 2006 @ 0700 --- Tara Spa full and pulsating at 0700; one burst to about 5 feet seen but not in eruption.
16757 22 Oct 1998 @ 0000 22 Oct 1998 @ 2359 JarnoO active
16721 19 Sep 1998 @ 0000 19 Sep 1998 @ 2359 JarnoO ie; {no further details given}
15805 17 Feb 1997 @ 0000 17 Feb 1997 @ 2359 JarnoO active
15245 20 Jun 1996 @ 0000 20 Jun 1996 @ 2359 JarnoO active
14396 28 Sep 1995 @ 0000 28 Sep 1995 @ 2359 JarnoO active
14335 22 Jul 1995 @ 0000 22 Jul 1995 @ 2359 JarnoO active
14316 01 Jun 1995 @ 0000 01 Jun 1995 @ 2359 JarnoO active
14289 17 Mar 1995 @ 0000 17 Mar 1995 @ 2359 JarnoO active
12343 31 Oct 1993 @ 0815 --- JarnoO drained and finished at 0815
5581 22 Aug 1992 @ 0000 22 Aug 1992 @ 2359 JarnoO active
02 Jul 2016 @ 1927 JSJ Photo (# 5 of 14) of Spa Geyser's evening eruption on 2 July 2016.
02 Jul 2016 @ 1927 JSJ Video compilation of Spa Geyser's evening eruption on 2 July 2016.
07 Jul 1993 @ 1158 JSJ Video by David Schwarz of Spa Geyser's late morning eruption on 7 July 1993.
28 Aug 2014 @ 1126 Micah Kipple flickr.
BaselineDistance (ft)Description
Bike Path Towards Riverside 50On the trail headed towards Riverside