Last Known Eruption
2y 74d 4h 52m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
26 Jun 2022 @ 1243 ie16h 53m
25 Jun 2022 @ 1950 ie12h 42m
25 Jun 2022 @ 0708 ie10h 27m
24 Jun 2022 @ 2041 ns1d 1h 36m
23 Jun 2022 @ 1905 ie7d 19m
16 Jun 2022 @ 1846 ie1d 20h 58m
14 Jun 2022 @ 2148 ie11h 44m
14 Jun 2022 @ 100422h 40m
13 Jun 2022 @ 1124 ie8d 4h 16m
05 Jun 2022 @ 0708 ie wc5d 23h 42m
30 May 2022 @ 0726 ie19h 16m
29 May 2022 @ 1210 ie2d 15h 16m
26 May 2022 @ 2054 ie1d 12h 3m
25 May 2022 @ 0851 ie2d 23h 17m
22 May 2022 @ 09343d 44m
19 May 2022 @ 0850 ie wc2d 17h 36m
16 May 2022 @ 1514 ie19d 3h 24m
27 Apr 2022 @ 1150 ie4d 20h 36m
22 Apr 2022 @ 1514 wc6d 19h 15m
15 Apr 2022 @ 1959 ie wc7d 1h 8m
08 Apr 2022 @ 1851 ie wc4d 11h 41m
04 Apr 2022 @ 0710 ie wc1d 13h 28m
02 Apr 2022 @ 1742 ie wc23h 2m
01 Apr 2022 @ 1840 ie wc11h 20m
01 Apr 2022 @ 0720 ie wc2d 1m
30 Mar 2022 @ 0719 ie wc12h 12m
29 Mar 2022 @ 1907 ie wc12h 11m
29 Mar 2022 @ 0656 ie wc22h 33m
28 Mar 2022 @ 0823 ie wc2d 31m
26 Mar 2022 @ 0752 ie wc13h 37m
25 Mar 2022 @ 1815 ie wc10h 20m
25 Mar 2022 @ 0755 ie wc2d 12h 13m
22 Mar 2022 @ 1942 ie wc4d 23h 44m
17 Mar 2022 @ 1958 ie wc11d 11h 50m
06 Mar 2022 @ 0708 ie wc2d 13h 25m
03 Mar 2022 @ 1743 ie wc3d 23h 48m
27 Feb 2022 @ 1755 ie wc2d 9h 43m
25 Feb 2022 @ 0812 wc26d 23h 35m
29 Jan 2022 @ 0837 ie wc25d 17h 48m
03 Jan 2022 @ 1449 ie wc27d 6h 27m
07 Dec 2021 @ 0822 ie wc23h 10m
06 Dec 2021 @ 0912 wc17h 20m
05 Dec 2021 @ 1552 ie wc5d 7h 59m
30 Nov 2021 @ 0753 ie wc21d 19h 3m
08 Nov 2021 @ 1250 wc6d 5h 5m
02 Nov 2021 @ 0845 ie wc1d 15m
01 Nov 2021 @ 0830 ie wc5d 23h 6m
26 Oct 2021 @ 0924 ie wc19h 34m
25 Oct 2021 @ 1350 ie wc3h 38m
25 Oct 2021 @ 1012 ie wc2d 1h 52m
23 Oct 2021 @ 0820 ie wc7d 14m
16 Oct 2021 @ 0806 ie wc1d 16h 40m
14 Oct 2021 @ 1526 ie wc2d 7h 36m
12 Oct 2021 @ 0750 ie wc18h 30m
11 Oct 2021 @ 1320 ie wc1h 44m
11 Oct 2021 @ 1136 wc4h 18m
11 Oct 2021 @ 0718 ie wc2d 15h 45m
08 Oct 2021 @ 1533 wc~46s 5m
08 Oct 2021 @ 1528 wc~39s 19m
08 Oct 2021 @ 1509 wc~20s 1h 43m
08 Oct 2021 @ 1326 wc~57s 23d 17h 27m
14 Sep 2021 @ 1959 wc8d 12h 35m
06 Sep 2021 @ 0724 ie wc4d 48m
02 Sep 2021 @ 0636 ie wc39m
02 Sep 2021 @ 0557 ie wc4d 10h 53m
28 Aug 2021 @ 1904 wc11h 40m
28 Aug 2021 @ 0724 ie wc1d 23h 36m
26 Aug 2021 @ 0748 ie wc12h 1m
25 Aug 2021 @ 1947 wc23h 25m
24 Aug 2021 @ 2022 wc43m
24 Aug 2021 @ 1939 wc1d 11h 39m
23 Aug 2021 @ 0800 ie wc11h 30m
22 Aug 2021 @ 2030 wc~1m 2d 12h 0m
20 Aug 2021 @ 0830 ie wc3d 44m
17 Aug 2021 @ 0746 ie wc1d 38m
16 Aug 2021 @ 0708 ie wc2d 9m
14 Aug 2021 @ 0659 ie wc7d 22h 15m
06 Aug 2021 @ 0844 ie wc7d 20h 0m
29 Jul 2021 @ 1244 ie33d 3h 40m
26 Jun 2021 @ 09043d 3h 13m
23 Jun 2021 @ 055140d 22h 43m
13 May 2021 @ 0708 ie wc4d 23h 44m
08 May 2021 @ 0724 ie wc6d 12h 33m
01 May 2021 @ 1851 ie wc1d 9h 55m
30 Apr 2021 @ 0856 ie wc4d 13m
26 Apr 2021 @ 0843 ie wc1h 3m
26 Apr 2021 @ 0740 ie wc48m
26 Apr 2021 @ 0652 ie wc1d 30m
25 Apr 2021 @ 0622 ie wc2d 22h 19m
22 Apr 2021 @ 0803 ie wc22h 59m
21 Apr 2021 @ 0904 ie wc12h 56m
20 Apr 2021 @ 2008 ie wc4d 11h 39m
16 Apr 2021 @ 0829 ie wc1d 12h 26m
14 Apr 2021 @ 2003 ie wc8h 10m
14 Apr 2021 @ 1153 ie wc81d 3h 29m
23 Jan 2021 @ 0724 ie wc70d 20h 48m
13 Nov 2020 @ 1036 ie wc27d 21h 20m
16 Oct 2020 @ 1416 ie11d 6h 23m
05 Oct 2020 @ 0753 wc12d 23h 15m
22 Sep 2020 @ 0838 wc~42s 11d 6m

Interval Statistics

Interval Count100
Max81d 3h 29m
Mean6d 12h 45m
Median2d 4h 44m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
21423 22 May 2022 @ 0930 --- Micah Kipple The largest "perceptual spouter" on my previous note is actually a geyser. It is off at this time.
21418 22 May 2022 @ 0840 --- Micah Kipple I counted 3 perpetual spouters, 1 definite geyser (or an extremely variable cyclic spouter), and 3 empty but damp cents with carved runoff channels leading away from them. I suspect there may be 3-4 small geysers in this area this year. The most significant perpetual spouter is erupting 1-2 feet in a water-dominated column from a vent VERY close to the perpetual spouter that was active from 2010-2015ish.and it looks extremely similar. Just smaller.
20315 05 Nov 2021 @ 1555 --- JarnoO (wc) Since my last note it appears North-West-B (NW-B) has become less powerful, with height around 2-3 feet, about a third to half of what it used to be. Intervals seem to still be same, 3-4 minutes. Little to no activity seen from any of the previously-active ones, including West D, NW and NW-C.
20066 20 Oct 2021 @ 1630 --- JarnoO (wc) Since the previous note it appears North-West-B (NW-B) has taken over almost completely, with little activity from the others. Eruptive activity as in previous note. There was one day on which three Dwarfs (NW, NW-B and another one northeast of NW-B, which I'll refer to as NW-C; NW-C is *not* North Dwarf) were active, all likely on one line and all either erupting (for NW and NW-C heavily steaming with possibly water and for NW-B definitely with water) or not. This was also the one day where I thought NW-B looked weaker than usual.
West D has declined further, seems to currently be only a steamy vent at times if you're lucky.
19962 11 Oct 2021 @ 1550 --- JarnoO (wc) NW-B appears to have taken further control and grown, too, since last note. Eruptions appear to be up to 2 meters in height, though durations are still brief (up to a minute). Frequency has increased, seems to be every 2-3 minutes. Noted West D only during NW-B eruptions, not immediately before as a few hours ago.
There appears to be another Dwarf that's become active, located west of West D. So far I've only seen it steaming. Otherwise North-West marginally active and North seems to be a bit more active. Greatest activity from all mentioned Dwarfs appears to occur after NW-B starts and continues for a bit after it ends.
19959 11 Oct 2021 @ 1130 11 Oct 2021 @ 1159 JarnoO (wc) Main activity has shifted towards a vent (north) east of North-West Dwarf (I'll be referring to it as NW-B), probably somewhere today or yesterday, as I recall seeing still further activity from NW on the 8th and 9th. Have seen only minimal activity from West D and NW late in observation period. NW-B steams constantly, with every 3-5 minutes a jetting episode lasting up to a minute or so.
West D does appear to function like a glow switch starter in this brief observation period, increasing steam emission only right before NW-B starts (the "fluorescent lamp" in this comparison) and continuing for a while into the latter's eruption.
Also noted at least one splash from North Dwarf.
19938 08 Oct 2021 @ 1538 08 Oct 2021 @ 1619 JarnoO (wc) Frequent eruptions from the Dwarf I think is at 44°27'47.7"N 110°49'51.1"W (for simplicity's sake I'll be referring to it as North-West Dwarf or NW for short) and also from the (real, see 1326 entry) Dwarf behind Red/Orange (I think West D on JSJ's map as it has a well-defined runoff channel). North Dwarf (the one at Arrowhead's cone's base) looked like it had standing water below ground level from which occasional bubbles/splashes rose.
Overall vent area of NW Dwarf got gradually bleached as the eruptions progressed. Runoff channel (and vent) from West D Dwarf filled with water when eruption started and drained following eruption. Eruption itself consisted out of splashing, perhaps no more than a foot high with the best ones. Break between 1558:32 and 1610:29 for Old Faithful.
Initially there seemed to be some sort of exchange of function between NW and West D, but the final three cycles make me question that. NW would start the cycle, with West D starting only after NW was done, even for the longest NW eruption of 1m44s of which the latter (and longest) part consisted out of occasional, spaced out splashing. Then the cycle would start again. First two of the final three cycles had NW and West D together at some point in either's eruption and the last cycle had West D before NW.
Activity continued from at least NW following these observations, but did not pay close attention.

Times are as follows:
* North-West Dwarf: 1538:±37 d=±48s, 1542:52 d=1m04s (start now well-defined - goes straight to splashing rather than pre-eruptive steam), 1547:36 d=57s, 1551:58 d=1m13s, 1556:09 d=1m44s (long splashing to finish eruption), 1610:29ie d=>40s (I=double or triple), 1614:30 d=57s, 1619:04 d=51s (end obs.)
* West D Dwarf: 1537:00 d=48s, 1540:58 d=44s, 1544:59 d=42s, 1549:01 d=47s, 1553:37ie d=>38s, 1558:10 d=>22s (cam to Old Faithful), 1610:44 d=51s (first time seen together), 1614:17 d=41s, 1618:07 d=unknown
13770 15 Sep 2019 @ 1227 --- Polly One Dwarf ie (back left from the boardwalk). Others are gurgling.
13361 02 Aug 2019 @ 1434 --- Polly 2 Dwarfs ie
18777 26 Jul 2019 @ 1155 --- Polly One Dwarf ie
10681 29 Oct 2018 @ 1238 --- udo Only North is active. The rest are quiet.
8061 03 May 2018 @ 1141 --- Micah Kipple One dwarf in eruption out of the 4 periodic vents I've seen this year.
7987 22 Apr 2018 @ 1008 --- udo No avtivity except constant small (max 6 inches) eruptions from North Dwarf.
7790 28 Oct 2017 @ 1131 --- udo No erupting activity in any Dwarf
6371 14 Sep 2017 @ 1650 --- Graham All off
4827 07 Aug 2017 @ 1457 --- JSJ "Red Dwarf Geyser" - the dominant perpetual spouter in the cluster in recent years - is back on (it was off when last noticed on 27 July 2017). Two other small spouters are also active: 1) North Dwarf Geyser; 2) small pool with 2 vents at 44° 27' 47.16" North latitude, 110° 49' 50.73" West longitude (using summer 2016 satellite photo via Google Earth). The small pool with 2 vents is my informal "West Dwarf I" and "West Dwarf J" (see photo at: The West Dwarf I-J pool is better characterized as very frequently spitting.
4560 27 Jul 2017 @ 1812 --- JSJ "Red Dwarf Geyser" - the dominant perpetual spouter in the cluster in recent years - is already off - looks like it has been for a while. Two small spouters are active: 1) North Dwarf Geyser; 2) small pool with 2 vents at 44° 27' 47.16" North latitude, 110° 49' 50.73" West longitude (using summer 2016 satellite photo via Google Earth). The small pool with 2 vents is my informal "West Dwarf I" and "West Dwarf J" (see photo at: The Dwarf vent that disappeared between 2013 and 2015 is back (it also shows up on a summer 2016 satellite photo - I didn't see it personally last year) - vent is at approximately 44° 27' 47.34" North latitude, 110° 49' 50.52" West longitude.
4139 27 May 2017 @ 1159 --- WillBoekel north dwarf is off
3946 11 Feb 2017 @ 1321 --- Graham Red Dwarf is off. Can't remember the last time I saw that, it has been ie every time I have checked it.
1498 06 Jan 2015 @ 1010 --- Micah Kipple Looks like watchamcallit dwarf is silent on wc.
2714 10 Aug 2013 @ 1200 10 Aug 2013 @ 1800 JSJ The prominent perpetual spouter in "The Dwarfs" was engaged in its usual small perpetual spouting behavior & North Dwarf Geyser was engaged in intermittent small splashing.
1464 14 Aug 2010 @ 1200 14 Aug 2010 @ 1800 JSJ Red Dwarf Geyser (The Dwarfs, Geyser Hill Group) was engaged in perpetual spouting behavior - observed during the afternoon of 14 August 2010.
No attachments for this geyser.
Baseline does not exist.