Last Known Eruption
2y 312d 6h 55m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
31 Oct 2021 @ 1030:103m 42s 6m 24s
31 Oct 2021 @ 1023:463m 37s 4m
31 Oct 2021 @ 1019 ie45d 52m
16 Sep 2021 @ 0927 ie

Interval Statistics

Interval Count3
Max45d 52m
Mean15d 21m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
21013 18 Apr 2022 @ 1714 --- MAB vent area sloughed in and filled with gravels - Edit: FLIR shows some heat in the vent area
20300 04 Nov 2021 @ 1213 --- MAB Periodic all summer - now just 1/4 full & blipping - didn't get fuller or stop and drain - closed intervals last week for reference
20443 30 Jun 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab {Sizzle Pot in NBK-7 area} 6/30 A large Basin wide water level drop today. Small vent below original Black Growler vent is dry. Crackling Lake Spring down. Black Pit down. “Sizzle Pot” dry. Black Hermit down. Green Dragon down. Hydrophane down. Gray Lakes down. Phillips Cauldron down. Blue Mud Steam vent down. You get the idea. I think (Guess) that we have just finished a weak disturbance.[generic day time]
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