Last Known Eruption
5y 95d 7h 8m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
24 Apr 2019 @ 1043 ie1d 23h 49m
22 Apr 2019 @ 1054 ie2y 308d 44m
18 Jun 2016 @ 1010 ie

Interval Statistics

Interval Count2
Min1d 23h 49m
Max2y 308d 44m
Mean1y 155d 16m
Median1y 155d 16m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
22321 04 Jul 2022 @ 1449 --- cb pool has dropped another 6" from last observation. rocks on the edge toward the bw are high and dry. Color looks like watery coffee. Vigorous 10" blooping boil
22210 29 Jun 2022 @ 1410 --- cb pool has dropped ~4", is now a muddy coffee color brown with a vigorously blooping boil
22119 25 Jun 2022 @ 1150 --- cb Water level has dropped ~2". water is a cloudy muddy latte color with a vigorously roiling 4" boil. there is a 2' long stick in the pool
22089 23 Jun 2022 @ 1800 --- cb fairly clear water, yellowish tint, roiling boil, water is just barely covering the rocks in the side of the pool closest to the boardwalk
21610 31 May 2022 @ 1509 --- cb High water level. 1.5' - 2' below overflow level. water is clear, yellowish tint with a vigorous boil.
21330 16 May 2022 @ 1118 --- Tara Water level about 2" below bathtub ring, maybe 18" below edge of basin. Vigorous bubbling over vent.
21176 05 May 2022 @ 1311 --- cb Water is at high water mark along the edge! highest water level I've observed. water is clear with a yellowy tint. roiling boil over the vent.
21073 24 Apr 2022 @ 1608 --- DanS Water high boiling gently, murky green yellow color.
21015 18 Apr 2022 @ 1702 --- MAB Clear - water level above those large chunks on the W side - prob ~1ft deep on N end & 2.5ft over the vent
20301 04 Nov 2021 @ 1205 --- MAB still low and splashy- maybe 1/8 full - cloudy green water- on my way back by @ 1241 saw a series of Big Bursts maybe 4-5 ft
20250 31 Oct 2021 @ 1011 --- MAB 2ft clear water bursts from low in the Crater- est about 10% full
20051 19 Oct 2021 @ 1340 --- cb no change, water level same, at the base of the root. bursts to 2' at times.
19833 01 Oct 2021 @ 1448 --- MAB vigorous splashing w fairly clear water from deep in vent
19811 30 Sep 2021 @ 1247 --- cb BLUE MUD STEAM VENT has a audible boil very deep in the vent that has a Echo like sound to it. no visible water & the splash zone is white, not blue. the side vent towrd green dragon spring is white and just steamy. Yellow Funnel Spring pool level is just barely visible down in the vent h is splashing 2' high or just below the root on the south end of the pool
19699 23 Sep 2021 @ 1039 --- cb Yellow Funnel has visable water down in the vent and is splashing up to the rim of the vent with big bubbly bursts. BLUE MUD STEAM VENT still has no visable water or splashes but has very audible gurgling deep down in the vent, also the left side vent is mostly clear of debris and is steaming.
19608 16 Sep 2021 @ 1041 --- cb pool water level is not visible but the tips of splashes are visible. Lots of churning/ gurgling sounds. BLUE MUD STEAM VENT > no visible water but can hear churning deep in the vent. Side vent on the left end is clear of debris and is steaming.
19626 16 Sep 2021 @ 0919 --- MAB splashy sprays from left vent otherwise basically empty - no water visible
19506 12 Sep 2021 @ 0845 --- mhreed Bursting low in its crater. Base water level just out of sight.
19373 08 Sep 2021 @ 1145 --- Tara Water level too low to be visible, bursting 2-4'
19039 24 Aug 2021 @ 1337 --- Graham Constant boil and bursting 2 to 4 feet.
18998 22 Aug 2021 @ 1711 --- MAB maybe 8in clear water in the vent area - small bursts
18782 01 Aug 2021 @ 1023 --- cb pool is much higher, up to the rock pile with strong 3' bursts. light yellowing color. Blue Mud Steam Vent is still low, the side vent toward Orby is completely covered with debris. The other side vent is clear of debris and steaming.
18507 18 Jul 2021 @ 1059 --- cb Blue mud steam vent is chugging but no visable water. Yellow Funnel Spring HAS WATER BACK in its vent! Low in the vent and pool is just visible but the spray is coming up 1' above the pool with a vigorous boil!
18369 11 Jul 2021 @ 1453 --- cb BLUE MUD STEAM VENT has no visable water but I can hear splashing deep in the vent. YELLOW FUNNEL SPRING has the tips of splashing visable. no pool of water visable.
18328 09 Jul 2021 @ 1315 --- MAB still totally empty but throwing visible jets of water 1-3ft from within the vent
18281 05 Jul 2021 @ 1502 --- cb Blue Mud Steam Vent still has no visable spray of water but I can hear water sloshing around deep in the vent. Yellow Funnel Spring water level is still not visible BUT I can hear it gurgling and can see the tips of splashes deep in the vent.
18183 29 Jun 2021 @ 1335 --- cb Blur mud steam vent still has no visable water but can hear splashing down deep. YFS no water visable or audible, just steam with a occational hissing sound.
18155 28 Jun 2021 @ 1703 --- MAB A Fumarole - no sight or sound of water
17726 12 Jun 2021 @ 1607 --- MAB No water - zip zero nada - a little moist around the vent
17573 08 Jun 2021 @ 1119 --- cb Blue mud spring vent water is churning deep DEEP Down in the vent. water not visable. side vents are inactive and dry. Yellow Funnel Spring HAS NO POOL OF WATER! Splashing deep down in the vent and I can only see the tips is the VIGOROUS larger water splashes
17276 30 May 2021 @ 1605 --- cb blue mud steam vent has water churning WAY down in the vent. occasionally I can see a wave of water but the water is not readily visable. Both side vents are steaming but inactive Yellow Funnel Spring is WAY low! water is down in the vent, 2' from the smooth rim to the south and has a VIGOROUS boil to 1 - 2' roiling boil
16896 20 Apr 2021 @ 1605 --- MAB Clear water, moderate boil w a few larger splurts - water level is above the broken rim pieces- about 1/5th full. Nice frosty trees
16823 24 Jan 2021 @ 1408 --- markwolf maybe slightly increased boil turbulence. blue mud steam vent is quite low. mud is tan
16396 10 Oct 2020 @ 1028 --- cb Blue Mud Steam Vent water level is up a few inches and both side vents are almost connected to the center or main vent. Main vent has a vigorous boil and both side vents are active. Yellow Funnel Spring is high (water is covering the rocks on the west end of the pool). it has a vigorous boil and water is clear and yellowish green
16343 06 Oct 2020 @ 1232 --- cb Yellow Funnel Spring pool is high, clear, greenish/yellow with a roiling boil that breaks the surface by a few inches. Water level is just at the top of the big rocks on the West edge of the pool. Blue mud steam vent pool has dropped ~8". The side vents are above the water/mud level and only the vent to the north is gurgling and occasionally throwing blue mud. The big center pool has a vigorous roiling boil.
16270 26 Sep 2020 @ 1615 --- cb Pool is VERY high. Up past the boulders on the westish end of the pool. water is clear, greenish in color with a very light boil. Blue mud steam vent is VERY high and the main vent is overflowing into the 2 small vents on either side of it. All 3 pools have a blooping boil.
16049 06 Sep 2020 @ 0728 08 Sep 2020 @ 2128 underarockphoto Clear, boiling, 2 feet below overflow.
15894 29 Aug 2020 @ 1220 --- cb Water level is down about 6" from last observation. At about 1/2 of the sandy beach on the northwest end of the pool is covered with water. Pool is clear with a ~1' roiling boil. Blue Mud Steam Vent water/mud level is still very high and with a very active roiling boil. Both of its side vents are high and blurpping blue mud.
15697 23 Aug 2020 @ 0716 --- ypcaribou Clear, somewhat full to maybe a foot from rim? Roiling but not splashing
15549 13 Aug 2020 @ 1037 --- cb adding this here as it doesn't have a spot: Blue Mud Steam Vent pool is VERY high and vigorously boiling. about 3" blow the nw side vent. A few vigorous boils and muddy water would slosh into the side vent. Both side vents are high and bubbling. Yellow Funnel Spring pool is high also. It's covering the sandy beach on the west edge. Pool is a slight yellowish green color and is fairly clear with a average boil.
14950 10 Jul 2020 @ 1455 --- cb erupting about 1.5' in height. water is clear, pool is 3" above the sandy area.
19301 12 Jun 2020 @ 0913 --- research-mab 12 Jun 2020 @ 0913 YELLOW FUNNEL YPCARIB0U See Note under Steamboat
14504 01 Jun 2020 @ 1813 --- ypcaribou Clear, grayish green water splashing about a foot from just right of middle. Water level low but covers width of crater.
14002 03 Nov 2019 @ 1113 --- MAB one- third full of clear water - strong boil above vent
13928 12 Oct 2019 @ 1242 --- cb Vigorous boil to 1'. water is up to the inner tube rim, clear and greenish in color
13891 05 Oct 2019 @ 1215 --- cb water level is high. up to the rocks on the west end. color is greenish yellow and clear with a VIGOROUS boil to 1'.
13738 07 Sep 2019 @ 1443 --- Polly Water level about 15” down from top of inner tube. Water is a little bit sandy/dirty and churning.
13572 05 Sep 2019 @ 0938 --- cb water visible 1' down inner tube. vigorous boil and splashes
13488 01 Sep 2019 @ 0852 --- cb I can once again see the very tips of splashing/spray within the vent. Pool water level is beyond visibility but spray is reaching the rim of its vent. sounds like a vigorous boil
13424 27 Aug 2019 @ 1018 --- MAB still empty w strong steam
13389 25 Aug 2019 @ 0710 --- ypcaribou Empty. Not a smidge of water visible in crater. Forceful steam coming out of vent.
13314 18 Aug 2019 @ 1512 --- cb crater is empty. no water except for the faint wispy fingers of spray deep within the crater.
13788 16 Aug 2019 @ 1951 --- Ben VL Splashing tan, muddy water from below the neck up to the top of the neck.
13252 14 Aug 2019 @ 1607 --- cb There is no pool of water. Just the tips of a vigorous boil are visible. splashing deep in the crater
13126 09 Aug 2019 @ 0851 --- cb low water level! ~ 7' below rim. pool has a VIGOROUS boil 4' with some splahes 6'. muddy, milk chocolate in color
12997 03 Aug 2019 @ 0847 --- cb Vigorously splashing to 2'. water level down from yesterday. Rocks on the west end of pool are exposed
12971 02 Aug 2019 @ 0947 --- MAB vigorous splashes reaching 2 feet. too steamy to judge water depth
12891 31 Jul 2019 @ 0913 --- cb Pool is lapping at the 3 big rocks closest to the boardwalk from convection waves. VIGOROUS boil. muddy brown in color.
12843 28 Jul 2019 @ 0709 --- ypcaribou Maybe half full, clear but brown,, splashing up to 3 ft regularly.
12795 25 Jul 2019 @ 1608 --- cb pool is high, up to the sandy beach closest to the bw. a brown yellow color
12098 03 Jul 2019 @ 1030 --- cb water level is down 6" below the smooth inner tube and roiling
11854 17 Jun 2019 @ 0850 --- udo Churning and splashing below ground level. Gray-brown color.
11821 16 Jun 2019 @ 0845 --- cb water level is at the inner tube rim. color is muddy brown.
11350 25 May 2019 @ 0743 --- TSBryan some bursts fully 4 feet high from low water level
11000 19 Apr 2019 @ 0001 --- ypcaribou Water is muddy per facebook comment. Time unknown.
10723 04 Nov 2018 @ 1108 --- MAB Water a bit higher than last week, clear greenish color.
10676 28 Oct 2018 @ 1514 --- MAB Water level came up another 3" since last Monday. Still clear and blueish in color.
10508 30 Sep 2018 @ 1537 --- MAB Water level higher - over 1 foot deep on vent end. Water is CLEAR
10181 13 Sep 2018 @ 1253 --- cb water level is just at the inner rim. (3.5 - 4' below overflow rim) It has a vigorous 1.5' boil and is a muddy light brown color.
9832 22 Aug 2018 @ 1828 --- cb Is boiling, water is a brown/muddy color and water level is up to the small gravelly peoples within its crater. (4.5' below rim)
9611 10 Aug 2018 @ 1355 --- MAB Very Low Water only back near the vent. Color was mud puddle brown but fairly clear - not opaque mud. "Dirty water" was described.
19289 18 Jul 2018 @ 1825 --- research-mab 7-15-2018 CB YELLOW FUNNEL 1825 See Note under Steamboat Vixen platform & runoff channel is wet, water pooled in its tube but I did not see an eruption in the 15 minutes I observed. Pearl still has a yellow hue. Porkchop water is back up to the rim of the pool. Green dragon runoff is again clear however the runoff channels are coated in brown. Yellow funnel has no visible water but I can hear deep grumbling with splashing down deep. Echinus water level is good with nice runoff and a weak 2 vent boil. (hum!) Crater Spring water is LOW and murky brown/gray. Emerald Spring is the same, clear, green with weak convection waves.
9131 11 Jul 2018 @ 0927 --- Tara Water level down about 4 feet from rim of crater, continuously bursting brownish water to 1-3 feet.
19275 27 Jun 2018 @ 1800 --- research-mab 6-27-2018 YELLOW FUNNEL – 1800 CB see Note under Steamboat Vixen is back to more regular play. The steam vent by Vixen is quieter. Pearl has bubbles breaking the surface. Pork chop is down about 4" from the rim. Green dragon is putting out chocolate brown runoff. Yellow funnel is way low, muddy brown and turbulent. Blue mud steam vents water/mud is not visable. Crater Spring water level is low as is Echinus. Echinus run off channel is dry in many areas. This back basin is much the same as last night except for Vixen. sorry for the long note! Forgot about Emerald. . . cuz it is the same! Boiling in the East thumb, green and fairly clear.
8886 21 Jun 2018 @ 0934 --- Polly Grayish brown pool with a constant boil. Pool appears to be down several inches.
8797 19 Jun 2018 @ 1830 --- cb water level is higher. boil is the same
7539 29 Sep 2017 @ 1520 --- Tara Water level down, bursting brown water to ~4 feet.
20479 20 Jul 2017 @ 1700 --- research-mab 7/20/2017 Fearless water level down 1650 Yellow Funnel + Blue Mud water level down @ 1700
3566 28 Aug 2016 @ 1920 --- MAB Fuller and clear blue-ish in color. I will edit this when I find out if this was gradual or happened on a certain day.
3131 24 Jun 2016 @ 2258 --- David @1054 water was muddy, about 1-1.5 feet below rim, and vigorously boiling closer to south (right) portion of pool. height of boiling about 6-10". see:
2940 01 Jun 2016 @ 1223 --- MAB Water dropped recently- not sure if that has been posted here
2830 09 May 2016 @ 1341 --- MAB Water level is down about 1' lower than previously. Still really really full though compared to recent years.
2812 02 May 2016 @ 1700 --- MAB still full to the brim w boiling from the vent
2791 15 Apr 2016 @ 1600 --- MAB Full full full!
20474 07 Oct 2015 @ 1200 --- research-mab 10/7/2015 – Water/liquid back up for Mystic & Crater Yellow Funnel and Blue Mud still low. [generic day time]
20471 05 Oct 2015 @ 1200 --- research-mab 10/05/2015 Mystic, Green dragon, Crater & Yellow Funnel all MUCH lower liquid Blue Mud so low it sounds hollow as it bubbles deep. [generic day time]
20465 23 Aug 2015 @ 1030 --- research-mab 8/23/2015 Blue Mud Steam Vent so low you can’t see the water; Yellow Funnel Spring very active @ 1030am
20459 17 Jul 2014 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/17/2014 Yellow Funnel Spring is filling up with water as well as Blue Mud Spring (Steam Vent). You are able to see the water in Blue Mud Steam Vent now. [generic day time]
20456 12 Aug 2012 @ 1200 12 Aug 2012 @ 1300 research-mab 8/12/2012 Back Basin Observations 1200-1300 • Sagebrush lizard running on sinter behind Blue Mud • water visible in Blue Mud and Yellow Funnel
4738 21 Jun 2001 @ 1050 --- research-mab 06/21/2001 Yellow Funnel Spring – as of today 1050 am H20 is muddy + lower than 6/20 by 3”
4739 20 Jun 2001 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/20/2001 Yellow Funnel Spring water level very high, very muddy, w/ splashes reaching 3 ft above water level and close to trail
4737 18 May 2001 @ 1800 --- research-mab 05/18/2001 Yellow Funnel Water is back
4736 02 May 2001 @ 1800 --- research-mab 05/02/2001 Yellow Funnel steam vent!!
20451 02 Jun 1999 @ 1200 --- research-mab 6/2/99 We are experiencing a “localized disturbance” in the Back Basin. Look at Son of Green Dragon, “Orby” Geyser, Yellow Funnel and Blue Mud Steam Vent. They are all exhibiting “disturbance” type of activity. [generic day time]
7607 11 Feb 1984 @ 1800 --- research-mab 02/11/1984 Yellow Funnel Spring – yellow sulfur-rich dunes or drifts present over ~35% of bottom up to 2-3cm thick, concentrated by circular currents. Water level less than 2cm below overflow.
5139 09 Jun 1980 @ 1800 --- research-mab 06/09/1980 Yellow Funnel Spring- beautiful yellow green with clear overflowing water 164ºF
5073 16 Oct 1979 @ 1800 --- research-mab 10/16/1979 Yellow Funnel and Son of Green Dragon are overflowing again with muddy brown water.
4994 21 Sep 1979 @ 1800 --- research-mab 09/21/1979 Disturbance - Yellow Funnel Spring – dark brown green water – much different looking. Bubbling gently 160ºF
20404 02 Oct 1977 @ 1200 --- research-mab Oct 2 cold hard ice on ponds ice crystals swirling through air More spring activity north of Emerald Many features in Blue Mud, Yellow Funnel area have risen. [generic day time]
5643 21 Aug 1975 @ 1800 --- research-mab 08/21/1975 Yellow Funnel Spring – is now a very muddy brown, with increased boiling at center. Boiling area is about 12-2’ in diameter & boils perhaps 5” high.
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