Note 1043

Geyser:Event Non-Geyser Related
Date/Time From:2014-04-18 @ 0000
Date/Time To:2014-04-18 @ 2359
Time Entered:2014-04-18 00:04:43
Time Uploaded:2014-04-18 00:04:43
Submitted to:
Note:UPPER GEYSER BASIN CLOSED due to at least 3-4 carcasses in the area (Sounds like Geyser Hill area, Grand area, somewhere along the bike path maybe by Castle, and at Biscuit Basin). However I have heard that they have or may move the carcass by the bike path so they can open just the bike path and no boardwalks and will provide access to Riverside, F&M, Grotto, and Daisy. The only items open in the UGB are the loop around Old Faithful and Black Sand Basin. I will post again if I hear any better or new information.

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