Note 10935

Geyser:Little Whirligig
Date/Time:1941-07-10 @ 1600
Observer:July 1941 Thermal Report Homer Smith Geo Box 98
Time Entered:2019-02-03 07:51:46
Time Uploaded:2019-02-03 07:51:46
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Note:LITTLE WHIRLIGIG GEYSER: Since Whirligig Geyser has resumed eruptions, Little Whirligig is showing slightly decreased activity. The pool of Little Whirligig drains before Whirligig erupts, though it may also drain at other times, and the draining of the pool, cannot, therefore, be taken as indication that Whirligig is preparing to erupt. Usually, however, Little Whirligig is in eruption except during the eruption of Whirligig, or sometimes in the dying stages or sometimes after a wait of as much as 20 minutes (exceptional). Little Whirligig starts its eruption, sometimes very weakly to a height of but 5 or 6 feet, and at other times to a height of almost 30 feet. After the pool fills a more normal type of eruption continues. The usual height of eruption is 10 to 20 feet, with only occasional spurts to greater height

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