Note 10940

Date/Time From:2019-02-06 @ 1630
Date/Time To:2019-02-07 @ 1110
Observer:Dave S
Time Entered:2019-02-07 11:26:15
Time Uploaded:2019-02-07 11:26:36
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:Giant erupted sometime after 4:30 PM on 2/6. Heavy crust on snow near Path SE of walkway; Giant sign out of place

VEC reported on webcam chat that a large plume was observed at 10:54 today 2/7
Entrant: EricZ
Time Entered:2019-02-07 11:38:21
Time Uploaded:2019-02-07 11:38:21
Submitted to:
Could the 1054 cloud have been Grotto? If Dave S was at Giant at 1110, it's doubtful that it was in eruption at that time.
Entrant: Tara
Time Entered:2019-02-07 13:52:30
Time Uploaded:2019-02-07 13:52:32
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
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