Note 11817

Date/Time From:2019-06-15 @ 1925
Date/Time To:2019-06-15 @ 2010
Time Entered:2019-06-15 22:59:15
Time Updated:2019-06-15 23:00:30
Time Uploaded:2019-06-15 23:00:31
Submitted to:
Note:I could hear Steamboat easily in the parking lot when I arrived. North Vent was in a loud steam phase while South showed little spurts of water. At 1946 NV went back into water phase - throwing small rocks & dirty water. SV began roaring with about 30’ of water height. At 1947, SV quieted & then came back roaring again. NV water was about 3 times the height of the trees behind it & about double the height of the taller trees to the right. At times SB was percussive while going in & out of steam. At 1952, NV became quieter, then came right back. SV was still roaring. 1956 NV went back into steam & was louder than SV. When I got back to the parking lot, the roaring was much quieter.

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