Note 12035

Geyser:Cistern Spring
Date/Time From:2019-06-29 @ 0808
Date/Time To:2019-06-29 @ 1500
Time Entered:2019-06-29 12:14:22
Time Updated:2019-06-29 15:52:59
Time Uploaded:2019-06-29 15:53:53
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Note:Cistern Spring has dropped 2' from overflow @ 0800. ** @ 1214 Cistern Spring has dropped to 1' below the inner tube and is a beautiful turquoise blue color. **1500 Cistern Spring water level is down 3' from the rim of the inner tube and it has some bubbles (not boil) breaking the surface of the water and causing convection waves.

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