Note 13111

Date/Time From:2019-08-08 @ 1330
Date/Time To:2019-08-08 @ 1607
Observer:James St. John
Time Entered:2019-08-08 19:09:55
Time Uploaded:2019-08-08 19:09:55
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Note:Increase in bubbling/roiling intensity at 1330. Preplay splashing at 1331. First eruption in series from 1331 to 1332. Lower water level after eruption & overflow ceased. Spasmodic was below overflow at this time. Churn’s water level was higher again at 1339, with overflow down the left channel resuming at 1340. Brief, moderately vigorous roiling at 1342, 1344 (longer), 1346 (twice), and 1348. Decent roiling throughout these times, for the most part. Single splash at 1348. Overflow going down the middle and right channels at 1352. Decent roiling, almost-splashes, and splashes at 1352. Small preplay splashes at 1355. Second eruption in series from 1355 to 1356. Pool’s water level lower after eruption - below overflow. Spasmodic still below overflow at 1401. Churn’s water level has risen again by 1404, but not to overflow yet. Moderately decent, quiet roiling at 1406. Overflow started at 1408. Well developed overflowing down the left channel at 1415. Pool’s roiling/bubbling is milder (it has been). Small splash at 1416. Left overflow channel still active at 1607 & some water is present in the middle and right overflow channels (has been).

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