Note 14912

Date/Time From:2020-07-08 @ 0630
Date/Time To:2020-07-08 @ 2250
Entrant:Ben VL
Observer:Many throughout the day
Time Entered:2020-07-08 23:25:43
Time Uploaded:2020-07-08 23:26:12
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for iOS
Note:Activity started out poorer than yesterday evening. Picked up after noon. Several nice minors throughout the afternoon with sustained, thick and sometimes tall vertical out of NV and 4-5 runoff out of SV. Large event at 2041 with heavy sustained NV vertical and 5 runoff.

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Janet Jones
Time Entered:2020-07-09 09:33:39
Time Uploaded:2020-07-09 09:33:39
Submitted to:
Time Entered:2020-07-09 12:16:38
Time Uploaded:2020-07-09 12:16:40
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
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