Note 1547

Date/Time From:2015-04-30 @ 1030
Date/Time To:2015-04-30 @ 1840
Time Entered:2015-04-30 21:17:19
Time Uploaded:2015-04-30 21:17:19
Submitted to:
Note:No eruption as of when I left at 1840, but more water was in the system with splashing from Black Growler and the finger vents. Finger vents were quiet in the morning, moist in the afternoon, and had visible tiny splashes in the evening. The white cone grumbled at depth just sounding wetter. No splashing from the shoulder vents at Jetsam, which, so far this year, I have seen on every visit except one. No visible water in the white vent or Ledge vent.

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