Note 1566

Date/Time From:2015-05-06 @ 1000
Date/Time To:2015-05-06 @ 1045
Observer:Bill Warnock
Time Entered:2015-05-06 13:08:02
Time Uploaded:2015-05-06 13:08:02
Submitted to:
Note:Both White and Red Vents were very quietly letting off a little steam, no water audible. Jetsam Pool was the lowest I've seen it this year, and the crater on its left shoulder was splashing up water. It had been doing that prior to the eruption MA saw last week. The Finger vents by Palm/Pressure Pool were also emitting water, and the pool was down. In my opinion, Ledge merits a visit in the next couple of days. [The features between Red Vent and Jetsam which MA and I called Yellow Shamrock and Paprika Pepper Pot were both emitting water.]

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