Note 15668

Geyser:Three Sisters
Date/Time From:2020-08-21 @ 1545
Date/Time To:2020-08-21 @ 1548
Time Entered:2020-08-21 15:51:30
Time Updated:2020-08-21 16:15:06
Time Uploaded:2020-08-21 16:15:07
Submitted to:
Note:(wc) Conewalking at Three Sisters in progress. Two people came within a mere foot or 15 (originally estim. 2-3, later revised based on satellite imagery) of North Sister, at Mugwump's side. Back on safe ground early 1548.

“Communication problem” w/ Kim. Verbal warning.
Entrant: hkoenig
Time Entered:2020-08-21 16:06:01
Time Updated:2020-08-21 16:06:08
Time Uploaded:2020-08-21 16:06:08
Submitted to:GeyserLog (iOS)
No confirms for this note.
No flags for this note.
As seen from the webcam, by CraigC.Entrant: JarnoO
Time Entered:2020-08-21 16:15:59
Time Uploaded:2020-08-21 16:15:59
Submitted to: