Note 16073

Geyser:Other Geyser
Date/Time From:2002-04-14 @ 1630
Date/Time To:2002-04-19 @ 0000
Observer:Tantalus Creek loggers
Time Entered:2020-09-12 01:44:32
Time Updated:2020-09-12 01:46:30
Time Uploaded:2020-09-12 01:46:30
Submitted to:
Note:A large thermal event occurred in Norris Geyser Basin, though no seismic signal was recorded (presumably at Norris Junction). Whether or not this was disturbance-like is unknown. From pg. 527: "The thermal event began with the sudden (within 30 minutes) increase in discharge from 6.5 cfs to 14–15 cfs (A, fig. 8). Simultaneously, the water temperature at Tantalus weir increased from 23° to 42°C. During the next 30 minutes (B, fig. 8), the discharge decreased to 9 cfs and the water temperature increased to 48°C. The temperature remained relatively stable for about 8 hours, while the discharge slowly decreased from 9 to 8 cfs (C, fig. 8). For the next 12 hours, water tem- perature increased to 70°C and the discharge varied from 7 to 9.3 cfs. The temperature maximum (70°C) (D, fig. 8) occurred an hour before the peak discharge of 9.3 cfs (E, fig. 8). The water temperature and discharge slowly declined for the next several days and reached steady values of 4.5 cfs and 40°C by April [19], 5 days after the beginning of the event." See Figure 8 on pg. 529 for a plot of the temperature and discharge. The start time is approximated from this figure and the end time is unknown. Be cautious with this report, as it contains many errors. Citation: Friedman, I. (2007), Monitoring Changes in Geothermal Activity at Norris Geyser Basin by Satellite Telemetry, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, in Integrated Geoscience Studies in the Greater Yellowstone Area— Volcanic, Tectonic, and Hydrothermal Processes in the Yellowstone Geoecosystem, editor Lisa A. Morgan, USGS Professional Paper 1717.

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