Note 1621

Date/Time From:2015-05-21 @ 1100
Date/Time To:2015-05-21 @ 2030
Observer:James St. John
Time Entered:2015-05-22 00:33:33
Time Updated:2015-10-30 15:23:07
Time Uploaded:2015-10-30 15:23:15
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Note:Ledge Geyser was in a post-eruption steam phase from 1100 to 2030, with tall, noisy steam columns from multiple vents. Observed this in the late morning, early evening, & just after sunset.

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See clips # 25 to 51 of this video compilation.Entrant: JSJ
Time Entered:2015-11-07 14:33:27
Time Uploaded:2015-11-07 14:33:27
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