Geyser: | Emerald Spring |
Date/Time: | 2021-05-08 @ 1500 |
Entrant: | cb |
Observer: | cb |
Time Entered: | 2021-05-08 15:28:06 |
Time Updated: | 2021-05-08 17:09:58 |
Time Uploaded: | 2021-05-08 17:10:36 |
Submitted to: | GeyserTimes for Android |
Note: | Emerald spring is still very cloudy, milky turquoise blue in color. Much like I've seen Cistern look like! It still has tennis ball-grape sized bubbles breaking the surface and sending out convection waves, mostly along the side closest to the boardwalk. pool is low and NOT in overflow. The 3 Trees feature on the side of Emerald, closest to the boardwalk, has 2 small vents erupting 2 - 3". I call it 3 Trees because there are 3 fallen dead trees and these vents are close to the base of those 3 dead trees. |