Note 1760

Date/Time From:2015-06-18 @ 0945
Date/Time To:2015-06-18 @ 1600
Observer:Bill Warnock
Time Entered:2015-06-18 18:06:55
Time Uploaded:2015-06-18 18:06:55
Submitted to:
Note:I went first at 0945 and observed until 1000. Light steam from both White and Red vents but no water; little water splashing in Jetsam's shoulder vent; Jetsam Pool very low. I returned at 1530 and now White vent mixed steam and sustained water; but Red vent barely a whisper of steam, no water. Pressure Pool higher than this morningi, but Jetsam even lower. Shoulder Vents on Jetsam splashing much higher than in morning. Black Growler also splashing water every 1 to 4 minutes. I left after 1600. Worth a visit tomorrow.

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