Note 2702

Geyser:Other Geyser
Date/Time From:2015-05-14 @ 1530
Date/Time To:2015-05-14 @ 1532
Observer:James St. John
Time Entered:2016-03-02 17:46:52
Time Updated:2016-03-02 17:47:20
Time Uploaded:2016-03-02 17:47:37
Submitted to:
Note:Eruption of "Elusive Geyser" in the northwestern Fountain Group (Lower Geyser Basin) - vent is at 44° 33' 06.11" North latitude, 110° 48' 34.85" West longitude (41.2 meters north-northwest of New Bellefontaine Geyser & 58.0 meters west-southwest of Sub Geyser). Noticed it erupting from 1530 to 1532, when observations ceased. Obtained 4 video clips.

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