Note 3032

Date/Time From:2016-06-09 @ 1230
Date/Time To:2016-06-09 @ 1717
Observer:James St. John
Time Entered:2016-06-09 23:01:15
Time Uploaded:2016-06-09 23:01:15
Submitted to:
Note:Was restless for most of the afternoon. Some details: medium-sized bursting at 1230, 1235, 1238, 1240, and 1245. Doming at 1232 and 1242 and 1248. Medium-sized bursting at 1257 and 1259. Doming to moderately low splashing at 1302, 1304, 1309, and 1313. Medium-sized bursting at 1308 and 1310 and 1314 to 1315. Still restless at 1348. . . K13 in a calm state at 1421 to 1507. Very slight roiling at 1526. Roiling to low doming at 1531, 1533, 1546. Medium-sized bursting at 1550. Roiling at 1556 and 1557. Roiling to low bursting at 1559. Slight roiling at 1606. Moderately low burst at 1608. Moderately low to medium-sized bursting at 1611. Roiling at 1619, and 1633 to 1645. Roiling to low bursting at 1625 and 1628. Medium-sized bursting at 1647. Moderately low bursting at 1649. Medium-sized bursting at 1650 to 1651. Roiling to low to moderately low splashing at 1651 to 1654. Medium-sized bursting at 1656 to 1659. Moderately low to medium-sized bursting from 1700 to 1717. Noticed that this sort of thing continued during Fountain Geyser's late afternoon eruption.

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