Note 4179

Date/Time From:2017-06-02 @ 1750
Date/Time To:2017-06-02 @ 1920
Time Entered:2017-06-02 23:21:02
Time Uploaded:2017-06-02 23:21:02
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Note:Clepsydra was getting slightly weaker around 1750 and paused completely for a few seconds just as Fountain rose to start its eruption at 1754. During Fountain Clepsydra's new vent filled with Fountain's runoff and was bursting from a high water level, and a smaller vent was visible sputtering to a few inches on its berm for a few minutes during Fountain. After Fountain, Clepsydra got weaker at 1827 and paused at 1828. The new vent turned off at 1829. Clepsydra was back on but weaker at 1836 and the new vent started splashing at 1837. Clepsydra paused again at 1840 but the new vent stayed on, continuing to splash. At 1846 Clepsydra came back on with a very strong start and stayed on at full force. The new vent got steadily stronger until the water level had recovered to a few inches below the rim at 1910. All during this time the new vent was throwing rocks and appeared to be enlarging its vent.

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