Note 4509

Geyser:Giant Hot Period
Date/Time From:2017-07-15 @ 1543
Date/Time To:2017-07-15 @ 1845
Time Entered:2017-07-20 22:12:04
Time Updated:2017-07-20 23:06:13
Time Uploaded:2017-07-20 23:06:13
Submitted to:
Note:Definitions: RL=right to left, LR=left to right, V=vertical, C=from a centralized location in Giant (in conjunction with RL/LR), D=duration, I=interval, and Bijou pauses calculated from the last substantial splash to the first full jet (more generously this time than my previous sit). Summary: there is evidence that activity in Mastiff correlates with Bijou pauses, and more strongly around the time of a Grotto start. The longest pause today occurred ~10m before Grotto began. I also hypothesize that the duration of a Bijou pause roughly predicts the next interval between pauses. SW vents were thunking/gurgling for the entire observation period, and the BC vent was huffing. I did not make detailed notes of Mastiff's activity between pauses. // At 1550 there was a concerted 1/2 cone V surge in Giant and large RL splash from Mastiff's center vent. Another 1/2 cone CLR roil at 1600. Bijou pause at 1601 (D=59s); very weak with frequent small spritzing and no activity in Mastiff. At 1612 Giant had a 2/3 cone V surge. Bijou pause at 1618 (D=2m19s, I=17m11s); vertical fingers from Mastiff's back vent. 1/3 cone CLR roils occurred at 1633, 1636, 1638, and 1640. At 1641 I heard a strange squishing noise in the vicinity of the SW vents. Bijou pause at 1644 (D=1m21s, I=35m12s); Mastiff and Giant were both quieter during this pause. A 1/3 cone roil occurred in Giant at 1652 (CLR), 1655 (CLR), 1658 (LR), and 1659 (V). A 1/2 cone LR roil occurred at 1701. Bijou pause at 1702 (D=5m03s, I=18m17s); continuous fingers from Mastiff's back vent. A 1/3 CLR roil was observed in Giant at 1705. Catfish splashed with noticeably more volume at 1706. About 30s before the pause ended, the vertical fingers ceased. At 1709 very strong V splashes came from both of Mastiff's vents. Grotto was observed ns at 1717. A 1/2 cone V surge occurred in Giant at 1729. There was a 1/3 cone CLR roil at 1733. A full width 1/3 cone LR roil happened at 1734. Bijou became very weak at 1736 and 1744 while Giant had 1/3 cone CLR roils at 1741, 1749, and 1750. Bijou pause at 1752 (D=1m08s, I= 50m08s); Mastiff was quiet and there was a 1/2 CLR cone roil from Giant. At 1800 strong, thin spray was observed from Mastiff's back vent. Bijou pause at 1801 (D=1m40s, I=8m58s); this was an oddball interval. At 1802 a 1/3 cone CLR roil was seen in Giant. After this pause Mastiff's back vent became quiet with very few splashes observed from the back vent while the middle vent continued normal activity. Bijou pause at 1822 (D=1m38s, I=21m11s); RL splashing from Mastiff's back vent. At 1828 a strong 1/3 cone V surge occurred in Giant. At 1835 a weak 1/3 cone CLR roil was seen. Bijou pause at 1843 (D=1m20s, I=21m04s); Mastiff quiet.

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