Note 5327

Geyser:Cistern Spring
Date/Time:1978-08-25 @ 1000
Observer:1978 log
Time Entered:2017-08-25 07:20:42
Time Uploaded:2017-10-02 14:45:06
Submitted to:
Note:08/25/1978 Steamboat steam phase has about finished. Between 9:15 and 9:45 there was a considerable decrease in the forcefulness of the steam. The boardwalk this morning had ¼ inch of ice on it. Cistern Spring has only drained 18 inches. There is a good bit of scum on top of the water. When I went down to steamboat at 8 a.m. all sorts of people were out there expecting it to go off again. The rumor has circulated through the park that Steamboat will erupt each morning at 8.

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