Note 5375

Date/Time:1977-09-04 @ 1025
Observer:1977 log
Time Entered:2017-08-25 19:33:07
Time Uploaded:2017-10-02 14:45:06
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Note:09/04/1977 Complete Log entry: Little Whirligig started to erupt at 1016 there was no water in the pool when the geyser first sprayed. It lasted about 8 minutes. Constant geyser erupted twice during L.W. eruption, the first eruption was small 4-5 ft. the second was very powerful up to 25’ After L.W. Big Whirligig erupted at 1025 The pool was at an extreme low level when it started. Splutter pot started eruptions in unison with higher bursts matching the higher bursts of all four geysers.

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