Note 5921

Date/Time:1973-03-15 @ 1646
Observer:1973 log -Rick H
Time Entered:2017-09-08 10:15:32
Time Updated:2017-09-09 15:31:57
Time Uploaded:2017-10-02 14:45:06
Submitted to:
Note:03/15/1973 From the data above it can be seen that the height of play was very uniform and shorter than yesterday’s recorded eruption. This is due at least in part to the shearing off of the water jets by a brisk NW wind. The fact that there were no eruptions after 3:27 is puzzling. Two possible causes might be considered: 1, the water running into the pool of Constant Geyser may have cooled more from the increasing northwesterly winds and the slightly lower air temperature from both the wind and the sun starting to go down in the west.

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