Note 6307

Date/Time:1972-05-14 @ 1800
Observer:1972 log
Time Entered:2017-09-12 14:36:58
Time Uploaded:2017-10-02 14:45:06
Submitted to:
Note:05/14/1972 The following geysers have been seen erupting since I arrived last night: Ledge 6-10’, Iris 2-3’, Little Whirligig 15’, Basin 1’-2’, Fan 4’-5’, Bear Den, Feisty, Fireball 2-3’, Minute 1’-2’, Blue 7-15’, Africa 25-35’, Vixen 7’-15’, Dr Morey’s Porkchop 3’-5’, Echinus 10’-40’, Steamboat 5-20’

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