Note 6968

Date/Time From:1965-08-12 @ 0830
Date/Time To:1965-08-12 @ 1630
Observer:1965 log
Time Entered:2017-09-22 17:09:48
Time Uploaded:2017-10-02 14:45:06
Submitted to:
Note:08/12/1965 Steamboat – AT 8:30 AM N. Vent water visible 12’ down & very active. S. Vent during several min of obsvtn, was very active plays only 10-15’ high but 15’sec of duration – looked more explosive with lots of steam than high spouting of a few days ago. At 2PM water in N Vent nearly up to ledge and active. Water plainly visible in S. vent by 430PM. S vent minor eruptions of 20-40’ & splashing from N.Vent followed by 15 minutes of relative quiet.

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