Note 6969

Date/Time From:1965-08-13 @ 0820
Date/Time To:1965-08-13 @ 1230
Observer:1965 log
Time Entered:2017-09-22 17:11:08
Time Uploaded:2017-10-02 14:45:06
Submitted to:
Note:08/13/1965 Steamboat - At 8:20 am: N. Vent : water up to ledge, moderately active . S. vent 20 sec, fountain type plays 15-20’ high every min or so. Water visible in vents. Not much going down drainage channel, mostly draining back into S and N vent. Water down about 4’ at 11:30 am. At 12:30 pm a good 75’ burst from So vent. No. vent splashed after each strong play from So vent.

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