Note 7961

Date/Time:2018-03-15 @ 0521
Observer:YVO Steamboat Logger
Time Entered:2018-03-17 06:41:09
Time Updated:2018-03-17 08:16:50
Time Uploaded:2018-03-17 08:16:50
Submitted to:
Note:Logger data shows that a spike occurred. Before this spike, the temperature was about 8-9°C. 28 minutes before this spike occurred, @ 0453, temperature started to rise, but slowed. Thereafter, @ 0513, temperature began rising again, but slowed too, to rise again @ 0519 and quite rapidly from 0521 (about 2.5°C per two minutes). The spike reached its maximum @ 0537 (33.7°C). Afterwards the temperature drops to about 5-10°C above Nuphar Lake graph ambiance temperature.

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