Note 8289

Date/Time From:2018-05-24 @ 1500
Date/Time To:2018-05-24 @ 1700
Entrant:Tom C.
Time Entered:2018-05-24 19:37:47
Time Uploaded:2018-05-24 19:37:47
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Note:Cistern boiling 2-4" high in a 3-4' diameter area. 2 trickles of runoff on either side of center area of bottom rock in E. channel. Water spritzing from both vents with gently huffing steam. One single spritz from each vent every minute or three. N. 2-15', S. 1-6'. Each spritz lasted for about 1/4 of a second. I would not characterize it as 'resumption of minor activity' yet, but I wouldn't fight anyone who did, either. From 1603-1606 N. spritzed 10 times from 4-15' and S. 6 times from 2-6' and I thought "here we go, minor activity start", but a lull ensued and I didn't note the vents playing more than once in a minute more than a couple times in the next 30+ minutes.

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