Note 8826

Date/Time From:2018-06-20 @ 1010
Date/Time To:2018-06-20 @ 1414
Entrant:Tom C.
Time Entered:2018-06-20 23:43:00
Time Uploaded:2018-06-20 23:43:00
Submitted to:
Note:1012 1m pause, 1027 1m pause,1042 slow down, 1053 4m pause - water above the "knee" in the GIP but not visible in Mastiff from cage, 1125 1m pause, 1145 SD, 1156 2m pause, 1228 1m pause, 1244 SD, 1300 1m pause, 1341 SD, 1400 pause that led to eruption (GHP 1404).

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